Page 17 - Intuition, Imagination and Innovation in Suicidology Conference, 11th Triple i, Virtual Conference
P. 17
o Suicide: A Big Hairy Audacious Goal 11th Triple i | Virtual Conference | 16th–19th June 2020

Joe Rafferty

Mr. Joe Rafferty is one of the co-founders of the Zero Suicide Alliance, a natio-
nal suicide prevention collaboration of over 1500 members across the UK and
the globe. Before coming to Mersey Care, which hosts the ZSA, Joe held the post
of Director of Commissioning Support at the NHS Commissioning Board, having
national responsibility for the design and delivery of a significant component of
the commissioning side reforms outlined in the White Paper: Liberating the NHS.
Prior to this, he was seconded from the Chief Executive role at NHS Central Lan-
cashire, to become the Director of Commissioning Development for NHS North
West, with a remit to lead the development of commissioning reforms across the
North West of England. From 2007 to 2010 he was the Chief Executive of NHS
Central Lancashire and the Regional Director of Commissioning and Strategy for
NHS North West from 2006–2008. Other Board-level roles have included Director
of Performance in Cumbria and Lancashire SHA and Director of System Reform
at Bolton Hospital NHS Trust. Prior to these roles, he was part of the team that set
up Greater Manchester SHA.

Abstract. This presentation explores the benefits of using audacious, zero-
based thinking to stimulate change in healthcare provider and wider societal
thinking in relation to suicide prevention. The Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) was
born out of one mental health trust’s thrust to begin to radically re-engineer
it’s thinking and delivery in relation to suicides of patients in their care. This
approach of zero suicide created a focus and release of clinical creativity that
has fundamentally alter the organisation’s position on suicide prevention, it’s
approach to service redesign and its overall philosophy on learning – giving
rise to a comprehensive and successful Just Culture programme. These bene-
fits have become the centre point for establishing the Zero Suicide Alliance,
a bottom up movement in the UK with a philosophy of knowledge into acti-
on. The presentation explores the benefits of the zero suicide approach and
describes the work of the ZSA. 17
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