Page 54 - Petelin, Ana. 2020. Ed. Zdravje delovno aktivne populacije / Health of the Working-Age Population. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 54
avje delovno aktivne populacije | health of the working-age population 52 excess use of health care. Discussion and conclusions: Information and
communication technology in healthcare could be used in chronic
diseases such as asthma, as they are relatively cost effective and can have
a significant impact on improving chronic disease management and
human health.

Keywords: information and communication technology, asthma, self-
management, chronic illness, application

Asthma, a chronic respiratory disease, affects approximately 235-334 million
people worldwide. It is one of the most common pulmonary diseases in adults.
Despite the widespread of evidence-based guidelines and effective treatment
that has existed for decades, most asthma patients still have uncontrolled
symptoms. A patient with asthma has daily symptoms in a short-acting in-
haler more than twice a week, wakes up at night due to symptoms or should
definitely enter activities due to asthma. Sharing measures self-management of
asthma management are key to reducing the harmful physical and economic
impacts associated with this disease (Pool et al., 2017). Because asthma caus-
es prolonged inflammation in the lungs, airway involvement severely restricts
airflow during respiration, causing the patient to have difficulty breathing. Pa-
tients with asthma need two types of inhalation medications: for prevention
seizures take inhaled corticosteroids to suppress the inflammation and when
symptoms such as coughing or wheezing occur, all bronchodilators known
as a soothing or rescue state. The most common problems that occur are im-
proper grip of the inhaler, improper use of the inhalation itself and thus re-
duced absorption of the drug. The goal of asthma treatment should be dosed to
maintain disease control and treatment. This requires an approach tailored to
pharmacological treatment, patient education, a written action plan, training
on the proper use of inhalers, and a review of inhaler technique at each outpa-
tient visit (Zhifang et al., 2019).

International guidelines emphasize the importance of a partnership be-
tween patients and healthcare professionals. Despite all these claims, many
health professionals do not pay sufficient attention to education and self-man-
agement (Zhifang et al., 2019). There is evidence that patients are not prescribed
enough check-ups and do not have appropriate advice and instructions, most
often this includes proper use of the inhaler. It is estimated that only 55% of
adults with asthma learn to recognize early asthma symptoms, only 47% re-
ceive instructions to change the environment in which they live to improve
asthma control, and only 33% have ever received an asthma treatment educa-
tion plan (Pool et al., 2017).

In order to present the theoretical background and achieve the purpose of the
work, a critical review of professional and scientific Slovenian and English lit-
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