Page 147 - 8th European Congress of Mathematics ∙ 20-26 June 2021 ∙ Portorož, Slovenia ∙ Book of Abstracts
P. 147

B0 ⊂ C, the inequality I20(γ) 1 2−γ
rγ (B0, 0) r (B1, a1) r (B2, a2) 2 |a1 − a2|

is true. The sign of equality in this inequality is attained, when the points a0, a1, a2 and the
domains B0, B1, B2 are, respectively, the poles and circular domains of the quadratic differential

Q(w)dw2 = − (4 − γ)w2 + γ dw2.
w2(w2 − 1)2

Theorem 2. [8] Let n ∈ N, n 3, γ ∈ (1, n]. Then, for any system of different points

{ak}kn=1 of the unit circle and for any collection of mutually non-overlapping domains B0, Bk,
a0 = 0 ∈ B0 ⊂ C, ak ∈ Bk ⊂ C, k = 1, n, the following inequality holds

n π n−γ I20 2γ n
sin n 2
rγ(B0, 0) r(Bk, ak)
n .


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