Page 110 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 110
Authors Purpose Methodology Results
Brown, O’Con-
nor, 2020. Review the findings of Qualitative literature 9 studies were included. Tech-
Choi et al., 2020 recent qualitative studies overview. nology can improve some as-
to date on the use of mo- pects of the physical, mental and
Guo et al., 2020 bile applications for peo- social health of people with de-
Klimova B, 2017 ple with dementia. mentia. It can serve to promote
cognitive functions and commu-
nication skills in people with de-

Applications differ from each
other in quality and usabili-
ty. 41.7% of the examined ap-
plications were not developed
by healthcare professionals and
were of lower quality informa-
tion compared to the applica-
Overview and evaluation tions developed by healthcare
of the features, content professionals. This suggests the
Review existing applica- and technical aspects of need for collaboration between
zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 108 tions that contain infor- 36 applications aimed at healthcare professionals and IT
mation on Alzheimer’s Google Play and the App professionals in developing ap-
disease and other de- store in the USA. Appli- plications for people with de-
mentias and assess their cations were coded and mentia. More than 50% of the
usefulness rated using a mobile app applications were aimed at car-

rating scale. egivers of people with dementia.
Only one-third of the applica-
tions contain a reminder func-
tion for patients or caregivers.
Applied with a proper design,
applications can go a long way
in making dementia manage-
ment easier.

Examine mobile applica- Currently, accessible apps do not
tions designed for people A systematic review of cover all the complex needs of
with dementia that are mobile applications and people with dementia and can
more effectively man- their features. be difficult for patients to use
aged by an individual. due to reduced abilities as a re-
sult of the disease. The authors
emphasize that it would be nec-
essary to develop properly de-
signed, high-quality applications
that could make it easier for pa-
tients to cope with the disease
and help them to be more inde-
pendent in managing the dis-
ease, while facilitating the work
of their caregivers and families.

Explore the role of mo- Review of the litera- Studies have shown that mobile
bile applications in help- ture on mobile appli- apps can be an excellent tool for
ing patients and their cations in the manage- quickly and accurately assessing
carers manage mild to ment of dementia and dementia. They also reduce the
moderate dementia. comparison of methods psychological and financial bur-
and findings of previous den on patients and their carers.
studies. More research should be done
on the effectiveness of applica-
tions and, in collaboration with
designers, their functions should
be adapted to the specific needs
of people with cognitive deficits.
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