Page 150 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 150
Author, Typology Research Aim Material, Main
Year methodology and objectives Sample findings
and data meth-
od technology

Government Homemaking,
of the Repub- Help with per-
lic of Slovenia, sonal hygiene,
2019 Conta- Social network-
gious Diseas- ing, Vaccina-
es Act, 2006; tion, Home
Rules amend- nursing (com-
ing the Rules munity nurs-
on the immu- The objective of ing), Gener-
noprophylax- the long-Term al practitioners
is and chem- / Care Act is goal / or family doc-
zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 148 Program for to be accepted tor duties and
2009, 2009; So- Law visits, Acute
cial Assistance care, history in
Act, 2007-2019; Slovenia, sub-
Resolution on acute care, day
the national so- centers, insti-
cial assistance tutional care,
program 2013- home care, so-
2020, 2013; Pen- cial services.
sion and Disa-
bility Insurance
Act, 2012 –
2019. Fami-
ly Code, 2017-

In 2019, the
proportion of
people old-
er than 65 years
Statistical Of- Demographic amounts to
fice of the Re- changes, num- 20%; In 2017
public of Slo- ber of home as- the number
venia (SORS), sistance, num- of nurses was
2011; Statisti- / ber of nurses, Slovenian pop- 853.55 we had
cal Office of the number of pre- ulation, 90.2 per 1000
Republic of Slo- ventive visits, people older population pre-
venia (SORS), National number of cu- than 65 years, ventive visits
2019; Outpa- statistic rative visits, leaving in Slo- and 489.2 per
tient health- number of so- venia, random 1000 popula-
care activities cial workers, sample, as at tions curative
(OHA) 2019; number of plac- 30nd of June visits; in 2007
Health Statis- es at home for the same year 743 social work-
tical Yearbook, ers carrying out
2017; Hlebec, older people, home care; we
2018 number of shel- have around
tered housing.

15.000 places at
homes for older
   145   146   147   148   149   150   151   152   153   154   155