Page 189 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 189
fer from depression at least once in their life (Konec Juričič, 2014). No one the influence of the covid-19 epidemic on the incidence of depression in the elderly in a reference dispensary 187
is immune to this disease and can be affected at any stage of life. One of the
reasons for the development of depression is also stress (Khan & Khan, 2017).
Appropriate treatment should be started as soon as possible, as this is how we
can overcome depression (Berkow , 2005). Many times a patient with depres-
sion in the clinic complains of physical symptoms. Thus, we can conclude that
these are the main reason why depressed individuals come to the family doc-
tor at all (Strbad, 2012). The PHQ-9 scale is used in RDFM to aid in detec-
tion. The questionnaire was designed specifically for primary care and is also
a diagnostic tool that can be used to monitor the adequacy of treatment. The
main task of the nurse in RDFM is to determine disease exacerbation (Rifel,
2017). Treatment of a chronic patient with depression by the nurse in RDFM
includes: treatment procedure - application of the PHQ-9 questionnaire; situ-
ation assessment and evaluation - evaluation of the questionnaire; conclusion
(motivational conversation, information, health education, assessment of the
patient‘s understanding of information, referral to a doctor, documentation,
entry of results and health services) (Panikvar Žlahtič , et al ., 2016). When the
nurse in RDFM deems it necessary to include the patient in psychoeducation-
al workshops entitled Support in Coping with Depression, conducted by the
Center for Health Promotion (CKZ), it does so. Workshops are held once a
week and include counseling. During the epidemic, workshops take the form
of telephone counseling. It is intended to identify the factors of depression, par-
ticipants learn about the signs and symptoms, learn about the types of thera-
py, it is intended to increase flexibility of thinking and aimed at preventing ex-
acerbations and great emphasis on non-activation with the support of relatives
(Roškar & Tančič Grum, 2016). We reviewed statistical data in one of the Refer-
ence dispensary of Family Medicine dr. Adolfa Drolca Maribor from Novem-
ber 2019 to January 2020, and compared them with data from November 2020
to January 2021. Data were obtained using the PHQ-9 questionnaire. Respond-
ents were over 60 years of age, there were 60 respondents in both groups, and
the results showed that in the period from November 2019 to January 2020, 3.3
% had risk factors for developing depression. The results from the period from
November 2020 to January 2021 show that 18.3 % of respondents had risk fac-
tors for the development of depression. From this, we concluded that the risk
increased by 15 % during the COVID-19 epidemic.

Examining the results of foreign research in the field of the presence of a risk
of developing depression during an epidemic, we see that the risk of developing
depression increases significantly during an epidemic, especially with the in-
troduction of “lockdown”. Research (Ettman, 2020) showed that the prevalence
of depressive symptoms in the U.S. increased more than three times during the
COVID-19 epidemic, from 8.5 % before COVID-19 to 27.8 % during COVID-19.
We humans are social beings who need contact, closeness, and when measures
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