Page 212 - Petelin, Ana. 2021. Ed. Zdravje starostnikov / Health of the Elderly. Proceedings. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 212
Author, The purpose Methodology Results
year of the research
Seven topics were identi-
To find out what are the fied: physical health, cognitive
opinions about ICT re- health, social engagement, in-
garding brain health in formation organization, de-
healthy and independent Qualitative research sire to learn new technologies,
Abdelrahman et al., elderly people. Identify method Focus groups technology development and
2020 the factors for the adop- Content analysis privacy, and security. In or-
der to promote the use of ICT
tion of ICT and its im- in the elderly, it is necessary
portance for addressing to take into account its so-
health issues. cio-ecological context.
Caregivers perceived resist-
zdravje starostnikov | health of the elderly 210 Arthanat et al., Identify and describe Qualitative method ance, lack of interest, fear and
2019 barriers and strategies Well-founded theory  their socio-social situation as
for effective ICT training an obstacle to ICT training in
for older people. the elderly.
ICT instructors emphasized
Vassli Better understand how Systematic literature the importance of motivation,
and Farshchian, and why the elder- review the instructor-elderly relation-
2017 ly in the home environ- ship, patience, self-confidence
ment use or do not use and mutual respect.
health-related ICTs. The elderly emphasized the
achievements, challenges and
sense of competence for ICT.
An in-depth approach to ad-
dressing internal personal and
external social barriers is cru-
Older people want health-re-
lated ICT that provides them
with independence, security
and protection, enables them
to socialize, manage their own
health and helps them with
their daily activities. Aid for
the use of ICT must be easily
accessible and adapted to the
elderly. Barriers to the use of
ICT are lack of privacy and se-
curity and stigma.

Although most elderly people live in their own homes at an early age, they are
not adapted to their changing needs. It is easier for ICT users to embrace it if
it reminds them of a technology they have been using for many years (e.g. ca-
ble wires, standard telephones, etc.). Older people will invest energy and money
for new technology as long as the latter is also beneficial to them (Lipar, 2014).

Recently, the number of elderly ICT users has been increasing. Studies
suggest positive effects of using ICT, especially to reduce feelings of loneliness
and depression. Little is known about the factors that would prevent the use of
ICT in the elderly population, which may be at greater risk than those living in
health and social care facilities (Rikard et al., 2018).
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