Page 108 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2022. Severe Asthma - Basic and Clinical Views. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 1
P. 108
signaling molecules, including G protein‐cou- cases, investigations of transcriptome and
pled receptors, transmembrane proteins, and proteome in sputum may lead to the better
severe asthma forum 1: severe asthma - basic and clinical views growth transcriptional factors, can be possi- differentiation of T2 high and T2 low asth-
ble mechanisms promoting AHR independ- ma.
ent of airway inflammation.
Non-pharmacological Treatment
Secretion of mast cell mediators could
lead to bronchial obstruction, airway remod- Active or passive smoking can induce neutro-
eling and AHR so the mast cell infiltration in philic inflammation, so the first measure in
ASM can play a role in the pathogenesis of those patients is to promote smoking cessa-
this asthma phenotype. tion.

Some patients may show both Th17 and Low-fat diet should be tried especially in
Th2 mediated inflammation and mixed gran- obese patients. The high-calorie and high-fat
ulocytic inflammation might be a transition meal can increase the neutrophil recruitment
between neutrophilic and eosinophilic phe- in the airways. Because of that, in obese pa-
notypes. tients weight reduction program with weight
loss can lead to significant improvement in
Management of T2-low Asthma asthma control and forced vital capacity, re-
duction in symptom days, rescue‐medication
No specific therapies have shown any clinical use and emergency room visits18.
benefits in patients with asthma that is asso-
ciated with a non‐T2 inflammatory process. Bariatric surgery can be considered in
It remains to be seen if such an endotype tru- morbid obese patients If there is no effect of
ly exists and to identify treatments to target weight reduction programs.
that endotype. There is a high unmet need in
the endotype-driven approach for the T2-low Bronchial thermoplasty (BT) can im-
asthma1. prove asthma control, peak expiratory flow,
quality of life, symptom‐free days and de-
Meanwhile, identifying intense airway crease the rescue medication use, severe ex-
neutrophilia as an indicator of airway infec- acerbations, emergency department visits and
tion and airway hyperresponsiveness as an days missed from work/school. BT should
indicator of smooth muscle dysfunction, and be reserved for uncontrolled asthmatics with
treating them appropriately, and not increas- persistent symptoms, frequent exacerbations
ing glucocorticosteroids in patients who do and severe AHR19. One limitation of bron-
not have obvious T2 inflammation, seem rea- chial thermoplasty is the difficulty of predict-
sonable3. ing clinical responders, so the discussion with
experts about the feasibility and necessity of
First, we should confirm the T2-low na- bronchial thermoplasty is adviced20.
ture of asthma with documented AHR and
the absence of T2 inflammation (normal Mucus clearance procedures: In the pa-
blood or sputum eosinophils, serum IgE or tients with mucus hypersecretion, smoking
FeNO) or high sputum neutrophil. This is im- cessation, physiotherapy in different body
portant because most of such patients (with positions with high-frequency chest wall os-
the exception of mast-cell mediated disease) cillation and eduaction about deep breath-
may not benefit from increasing the dosage of ing with effective coughing can improve mu-
maintenance ICS. cus clearance and alleviate the symptoms. In
addition, intermittent positive end-expirato-
Neutrophilic bronchitis can mask the un- ry pressure (PEEP) can dilate the small air-
derlying eosinophillic component so it is im- way, reduce small airway obstruction, pro-
portant to recheck the cell counts after the mote the sputum drainage and accelerate
blood neutrophilia has resolved. In unresolved
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