Page 135 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2022. Severe Asthma - Basic and Clinical Views. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 1
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st FDA approval in 2017 for mepolizum- including clinical and laboratory aspects, to- 135
ab, but in a higher dose of 300 mg subcuta- gether with functional tests and imaging, we
neously (sc.), while in Europe it is still not ap- can make a personalized choice of treatment, controversies and dilemmas in severe asthma
proved for this indication of EGPA, and not in with a reasonable chance for significant im-
this higher dose (just in a dose of 100 mg for provement for our severe asthma patients.
severe asthma58). EGPA is always connected Still, there are many controversies and dilem-
with asthma, hyper-eosinophilic syndrome, mas in the field.
often rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps, as well
as damage to two or more organs due to ne- References
crotising vasculitis of small vessels (heart,
lung, skin, kidneys, gastrointestinal or nerv- 1. Soriano JB, Abajobir AA, Abate KH,
ous system). With the purpose of induction et al. Global, regional, and national
or maintenance of remission or preventing re- deaths, prevalence, disability-adjusted
lapse or refractory EGPA, higher dosages of life years, and years lived with disabil-
mepolizumab were applied. Further studies ity for chronic obstructive pulmonary
of EGPA treatment with “asthma-tailored” disease and asthma, 1990-2015: a sys-
dosages (100 mg sc. every 4 weeks (q4 w) in- tematic analysis for the Global Burden
stead of 300 mg sc.q4w) have shown an im- of Disease Study 2015. Lancet Respir
provement also clinically and in reducing ster- Med. 2017 Sep;5(9):691-706.
oid burden. It has been proven that anti-IL-5
treatment (besides mepolizumab, also benral- 2. Lambrecht BN, Hammad H. The im-
izumab59 and reslizumab is not approved for munology of asthma. Nat Immunol.
routine usage for patients yet, but a promising 2015; Jan 16(1):45-56.
clinical trial has been published60) improves
sinonasal scores, reduces asthma symptoms, 3. Aaron SD, Boulet LP, Reddel HK, et
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Conclusion 4. de Marco R, Cerveri I, Bugiani M, et
al. An undetected burden of asthma in
Severe asthma often has anatypical presenta- Italy: the relationship between clinical
tion, so first, we have to be sure which disease and epidemiological diagnosis of asth-
we are treating, and with which comorbidi- ma. Eur Respir J 1998 Mar;11(3):599-
ties. Efforts should be addressed to adher- 605.
ence, proper inhaler technique, and then the
right treatment to the right patient at the right 5. Enright PL, McClelland RL, New-
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