Page 23 - Intuition, Imagination and Innovation in Suicidology Conference. 13th Triple i | Koper · Slovenia | 31 May–1 June 2022
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Psychological Autopsy: Applications, 13th Triple i | Koper · Slovenia | 31 May–1 June 2022
Benefits, and Limitations

Invited lecture · Lanny Berman

Happenstance led prof. Berman to become a Suicidologist, when he was invited
to join a panel at the 3rd annual meeting of the American Association of Suici-
dology (AAS) in 1971 and met ‘Dr. Karl’ Menninger, the keynote speaker, Ed Shne-
idman and Norman Farberow. More than 50 years later, inclusive of presidencies
of both the AAS and the International Association for suicide Prevention (IASP),
the directorship on the National Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide,
9 books and more than 175 published articles and book chapters, the study and
prevention of suicide have been an almost life-long passion.

Abstract. The Psycholgical Autopsy was born more than a half-century ago
in a research study, was weaned toward scientific respectability through a
series of individual case applications in consultation with a coroner, gained
early notoriety when used to help determine the manner of death of Ma-
rilyn Monroe, and has matured into its adulthood by virtue of case-control
research and attempts to systematize its procedures and minimize its limita-
tions. The presentation will offer an overview of the Psychological Autopsy’s
history, identify and illustrate its applications and purposes, and discuss its li-
mitations. It will highlight the Psychological Autopsy as a gold standard tool
to help determine suicide as a manner of death (versus accident and homi-
cide), to identify discriminant risk factors of suicide, to define points of entry
for preventive interventions in community systems and systems of care, and
as a tool to aid the process of a survivor’s bereavement. Further, it will focus
the requisite skill-sets for those conducting Psychological autopsies and the
need for training to achieve needed competencies in its application. 23
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