Page 100 - Mellinato, Giulio, and Aleksander Panjek. Eds. 2022. Complex Gateways. Labour and Urban History of Maritime Port Cities: The Northern Adriaticin a Comparative Perspective. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 100
plex Gateways

1864, 35–6). The Italian post-unitarian situation had many similarities
with what had happened in France during the Revolution: the newborn
Italian Kingdom, in fact, ended up abolishing all its free ports, follow-
ing a European trend that also led to the abolishment of the free port in
Odessa and in the French ports. When Trieste became part of the Italian
State, after World War I, its status of free port would also be cancelled.

Between the second half of the nineteenth century and the begin-
ning of the twentieth, free ports as institutions would be eradicated from
the Mediterranean basin in which they were born. Nevertheless, they
maintained a longer vitality at a global level, for instance in Singapore
(Wong 1978). They showed an even longer persistence as concepts and im-
ages on which to build ever-new solutions (Trampus 1999; Finardi and
Moroni 2001; Moberg 2017), resurfacing periodically in public debates
as recently illustrated by the post-Brexit Freeports consultation launched
by the British government in 2020 about the possibility of creating a se-
ries of free ports in the United Kingdom. Similarly, again in 2020, a se-
ries of proposals of instituting special economic zones within the ports of
Trieste, Taranto, and Venice started to be discussed. The special econom-
ic zones, albeit in a totally mutated context, still resemble an attempt of
resuscitating the Mediterranean free port tradition.


Archival Sources

AGI, C: Archivo General des Indias of Seville, Consulados.
ASVE, ACC: Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Archivio della Camera di



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