Page 149 - Mellinato, Giulio, and Aleksander Panjek. Eds. 2022. Complex Gateways. Labour and Urban History of Maritime Port Cities: The Northern Adriaticin a Comparative Perspective. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 149
The Post-war Economy in Koper: Development Plans for the Port Industrial Activities ...
ment of the industrial zone in the area between the Port of Koper,
Ankaranska cesta, and the Ankaran-Koper intersection road. In ac-
cordance with modern development tendencies, as part of the efforts
to restructure the Slovenian economy, we will establish our geopo-
litical position, built infrastructure, and institutional advantages
(free customs zone, border cooperation) for the organization of a
port industrial zone based on maritime development components,
technological complementarities, developmental interdependenc-
es, and economic security, providing new impulses for our assertion
in the international exchange of labour. When selecting technologi-
cal development programmes, we will strictly take into account the
requirements of environmental protection and other ecological re-
strictions, especially with regard to pollution of the sea, air, soil, and
Archival Sources
PAK: Pokrajinski arhiv Koper / Archivio Regionale di Capodistria.
Borak, N. 2005. ‘Gospodarska struktura Slovenije: v kleščah inflacije.’
In Slovenska novejša zgodovina 2: od programa Zedinjene Slovenije do
mednarodnega priznanja Republike Slovenije 1848–1992, edited by J.
Fischer, 1206–17. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga.
Istrabenz plini. 2019. ‘Zgodovina družbe: naši mejniki.’ Accessed 25
Lorenčič, A. 2013. ‘Razvoj naftno-plinskega gospodarstva v Sloveniji.’
Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino 53 (2): 120–32.
Petrol. 2019a. ‘Flourishing of Personal Transport: Starting the Srmin
Installation (1961–1970).’ Accessed 25 March. https://www.petrol.
40 PAK, 776, Skupnost obalnih občin Koper, t. e. 88, ‘SRS Slovenija, Skupnost obalnih
občin Koper, Dolgoročni plan obalnega območja za obdobje od 1986 do 2000 leta’,
dated Koper, August 1987.
ment of the industrial zone in the area between the Port of Koper,
Ankaranska cesta, and the Ankaran-Koper intersection road. In ac-
cordance with modern development tendencies, as part of the efforts
to restructure the Slovenian economy, we will establish our geopo-
litical position, built infrastructure, and institutional advantages
(free customs zone, border cooperation) for the organization of a
port industrial zone based on maritime development components,
technological complementarities, developmental interdependenc-
es, and economic security, providing new impulses for our assertion
in the international exchange of labour. When selecting technologi-
cal development programmes, we will strictly take into account the
requirements of environmental protection and other ecological re-
strictions, especially with regard to pollution of the sea, air, soil, and
Archival Sources
PAK: Pokrajinski arhiv Koper / Archivio Regionale di Capodistria.
Borak, N. 2005. ‘Gospodarska struktura Slovenije: v kleščah inflacije.’
In Slovenska novejša zgodovina 2: od programa Zedinjene Slovenije do
mednarodnega priznanja Republike Slovenije 1848–1992, edited by J.
Fischer, 1206–17. Ljubljana: Mladinska knjiga.
Istrabenz plini. 2019. ‘Zgodovina družbe: naši mejniki.’ Accessed 25
Lorenčič, A. 2013. ‘Razvoj naftno-plinskega gospodarstva v Sloveniji.’
Prispevki za novejšo zgodovino 53 (2): 120–32.
Petrol. 2019a. ‘Flourishing of Personal Transport: Starting the Srmin
Installation (1961–1970).’ Accessed 25 March. https://www.petrol.
40 PAK, 776, Skupnost obalnih občin Koper, t. e. 88, ‘SRS Slovenija, Skupnost obalnih
občin Koper, Dolgoročni plan obalnega območja za obdobje od 1986 do 2000 leta’,
dated Koper, August 1987.