Page 170 - Mellinato, Giulio, and Aleksander Panjek. Eds. 2022. Complex Gateways. Labour and Urban History of Maritime Port Cities: The Northern Adriaticin a Comparative Perspective. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
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plex Gateways

my? The fact remains that many Party members believed that their life’s
work was in jeopardy and were probably happy when the reforms lost
steam by the late 1960s and were eventually aborted. If that was the case,
then ‘work stoppages’ like the one at the Port of Koper probably proved
that their fears were grounded. The turbulent 1965-1970 reform period
in Slovenia and the rest of Yugoslavia thus raises the question of the na-
ture of socialism and its relation to capitalism. Leaving manifestos, pro-
grammes, and ideals aside, what was the fundamental difference?


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