Page 212 - Mellinato, Giulio, and Aleksander Panjek. Eds. 2022. Complex Gateways. Labour and Urban History of Maritime Port Cities: The Northern Adriaticin a Comparative Perspective. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 212
plex Gateways

change already underway in the ports with regard to workers’ tasks and
skills (Mariani and Sommariva, 2014). In fact, the increasingly massive
use of containers, the development of mega ships and the European com-
petition regulations have influenced working times and the greater use of
‘uncertain’ labour (Tonizzi 2014). In ports, the decrease in workforce and
the dissolution of port communities with a progressive removal of the
port and the reference territory had already taken place. However, pre-
cisely during the years of the crisis, the struggles undertaken within the
ports for the stabilization of ‘uncertain’ workers and for improvement of
safety and working hours brought the port closer to its citizens. In the
cases considered, ports and territories have started talking to each other
again, but in a different way from previously. The fracture between before
and after, linked to all the conditions and factors that have been inves-
tigated in this research, is also of an ideological character. In fact, those
groups of workers, strongly characterized from a political point of view
that once represented the connection between inside and outside, have
been lost. This is a process that has just begun, not without opacity and
ambiguity, but it is nevertheless helping to convince local communities to
experience the port and its structures, not as a burden, but as a driving
force for the local economy.



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