Page 85 - Mellinato, Giulio, and Aleksander Panjek. Eds. 2022. Complex Gateways. Labour and Urban History of Maritime Port Cities: The Northern Adriaticin a Comparative Perspective. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 85
The Rijeka Trading Company


Table 4.1: List of ships of Rijeka shipowners (Specifica dei Bastimenti dei Proprietarij
di Fiume), 1759

Weapons Crew Load
members capacity
Ships Ship owner Cannons for in tonnes
stone balls 20
Petachi David Giacomo Cannons 10 230
Chechie Giustini Gioanni - 112
Marciliane Compagnia di Tri- 16 8 20
Pandore este e Fiume 6 200
Danni Constantino 10
Trabacoli Mattio Tomassich 16 - 12 100
Tomassich Franc- 98
Pellighi esco 4- 11
Bradicich Giuseppe -6 95
Brancovich Crist- 10
oforo 2- 75
Loi Giorgio 10
Tomicich Tomaso -- 75
Simonich (?) 8
Lorenzo -- 5 70
Tomicich Gioanni 40
Minodi (?) Gi- 4- 11
useppe -- 75
Bradicich Giuseppe 8
Giustini Gioanni -- 45
Danni Constantin 10
Tomassich Mattio 4- 70
Luppi Gioanni 8
Fumulo Gioanni 44 8 55
Tomicich Tomaso 5 50
Bradicich Andrea -4 5 32
Giustini Gioanni -8 4 37,5
Bradicich Giuseppe -- 4 24
Knesevich Mattio -- 5 22
Bacarcich Vicenzo -- 6 45
Derossi Nicolo -- 7 40
-- 3 34
-- 4 18
-- 4 17
-- 8 18
-- 20

The Company has one of the biggest ships in Rijeka, but after initial efforts, the Company
stops shipbuilding and shipping. The list provides insight into the number, variety, and
size of domestic ships, as well as crew size and deadweight, and the importance of the
weapons that larger ships have. There are two types of cannons: those with iron and
those with stone balls (Petriere). Source: DARI, JU 4, vol. 18.

   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90