Page 158 - Dark Shades of Istria
P. 158
Istrian Memories in the Dark Tourism Context: The Qualitative Analysis

were, despite the summer heat, performed in a very relaxed, occasionally
even humorous, atmosphere. The Holy Mass was concluded at 9 am, the
believers – most were middle-aged⁵ or older – left the cathedral peace-
fully, talked to each other, but mostly rushed towards the next point.

The following event was the wreath laying ceremony in the Franz
Joseph i park (Park Franje Josipa I). It started with a 15-minute delay (Ta-
ble 8.2). People were gradually forming a semicircle alongside the mon-
ument to the fallen defenders from the Istrian County, starting with flag
bearers, e.g. the flag of the State and County, the City of Pula, the defend-
ers’ associations; the monument area was quite busy, which means that
there were a few hundred participants. The Pula brass band, uniformed
police officers (those who were at the church earlier), representatives of
the Croatian armed forces and firefighters from Pula, journalists, photog-
raphers and cameramen (they were not seen previously at the church at
all), defenders in their azure T-shirts, local, regional and national politi-
cians and ‘ordinary’ visitors were present. In terms of age, the middle- to
late middle-age group was the dominant one. Three formal delegations
laid wreaths and candles in the colour of the Croatian flag at the memo-
rial: the delegations of the Croatian Parliament, of the Istrian County and
of Croatian defenders. An interesting detail was that only the members
of the last delegation crossed themselves.

The ceremony, which was carefully monitored by journalists, photog-
raphers and cameramen, continued with the national anthem and an-
them of the Istrian County, which only strengthened its regional charac-
ter. This was followed by a minute of silence accompanied by the sound of
the trumpet (mourning song). The police chaplain – the one who offered
the morning Holy Mass – prayed for the defenders and blessed the flow-
ers, the monument and the flags. The absence of a sound system made
it really difficult to hear his speech and prayer well. This way, however,
the ceremony obtained a religious (Catholic) component. As no other
speaker was expected, the gradual formation of the row for the parade
started. In the meantime, the attending politicians gave statements for
the media. As is typical for modern times, many other participants con-
stantly took photos with their cameras or smart phones.

The memorial parade of defenders from the Istrian County, including
war-disabled members, started from the Franz Joseph i park through
Kolodvorska Street, next to Valerijin Park, Istrian Street (next to the

⁵ The middle-age category includes people from 45 to 65 years of age.

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