Page 169 - Dark Shades of Istria
P. 169
8.4 Case Study Event 3: Memorial Exhibition of Bl. Francesco Bonifacio

the end, believers socialised at the square, where the clergy joined them
briefly as well. The atmosphere was calm and relaxed. In the building on
the opposite part of the square, a casual banquet was held for the clergy
and other vi p guests.

This solemn religious event also shows that this tragic historical event
with an obvious Catholic connotation is still present in the Istrian col-
lective memory. Similarly to the Holy Mass in Lanišće, this religious rit-
ual followed the predicted form, content and religious symbols typical
for such kind of occasion; any reflection of the past or current political
circumstances and ‘Istrianity’ as well as the educational aspect were ex-
cluded – Istria was, however, mentioned in the sermon a couple of times.
On the other hand, the Catholic ritual provokes an important perspec-
tive, which is neglected in memorial and especially dark tourism studies.
Jesus’s words from the last supper, ‘Do this in remembrance of me,’ which
represent an Eucharistic or ecclesiological-ethical remembrance,¹⁴ open
a completely new perspective of the dark commemorative events related
to dark tourism.¹⁵

The tourist dimension was more present here than in Lanišće. From
a tourism aspect, Svetvinčenat is a recognisable location with heteroge-
neous tourism services, where, however, the religious part is not inte-
grated well, e.g. the website of the local tourist board presents sacral her-
itage as well, but religious events are not particularly supported with pro-
motional activities. The same applies for the dark tourism perspective,
although the tragic story of Bl. Bulešić offers great potential, e.g. his cur-
rent and previous grave is in the village, and the relics related to his death
are in the parish church. This means that these anthropogenic tourism
resources remain unexploited. However, the above-described religious
event attracted visitors from the wider area and not just local people. In
terms of (dark) tourism, this can be perceived as a whole-day or half-day

8.4 Case Study Event 3: Memorial Exhibition
of Bl. Francesco Bonifacio

In the selection process, it was assumed that this northern-Istrian dark
commemorative event in Buje (Buie) is recognisable in the Upper Adri-

¹⁴ More can be found in Vosloo (2017).
¹⁵ Such a religious perspective or background is completely overlooked in dark tourism


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