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Regio Decreto 1426: L’Arsenale Militare Marittimo di Pola viene denominato
Base Navale di Pola 1923. (1923). Gazzeta Ufficiale, (165).
Reverdito, R. (2009). Land and sea boundaries between Slovenia and Croatia
from federal Yugoslavia to the Schengen fortress. In M. Sobczyński (Ed.),
Historical regions divided by the borders: General problems and regional is-
sue (pp. 59–689). University of Łódź, Department of Political Geography
and Regional Studies, Governmental Research Institute, Silesian Institute
in Opole, & Silesian Institute Society.
Reynolds, H., & Lake, M. (2010). Epilogue: Moving on? In M. Lake & H.
Reynolds (Eds.), What’s Wrong with a n z ac? The Militarisation of Aus-
tralian History (pp. 157–167). New South Books.
Rezankova, H. (2009). Cluster analysis and categorical data. Statistika: Statistics
and Economy Journal, (3), 216–232.
Rezankova, H., Husek, D., Kudova, P., & Snasel, V. (2006). Comparison of some
approaches to clustering categorical data. In A. Rizzi & M. Vichi (Eds.),
Compstat 2006 – Proceedings in computational statistics: 17th symposium
held in Rome, Italy, 2006 (pp. 607–614). Physica-Verlag.
Ricoeur, P. (2012). Ricordare, dimenticare, perdonare. Il Mulino.
Rieger, G. (1977). In Istria e in Dalmazia con il Lloyd Austriaco: itinerario di un
viaggio marittimo tra Trieste e Cattaro. Del Bianco editore.
Riffe, D., Lacy, S., & Fico, F. (2005). Analyzing media messages: Using quantitative
content analysis in research (2nd ed.). Lawrence Erlbaum.
Rimanić, M. (2017, September 11). Obilježena 74 obljetnica bitke na Tićanu. Glas
Rimanić, M. (2018a, October 11). a i r s o f t susret: američka vojska oslobađa
Vižinadu. Glas Istre.
Rimanić, M. (2018b, November 20). Eminentni skup obilježio petu obljetnicu:
uloga habsburške vlasti u Istri. Glas Istre.
Rittichainuwat, N. (2008). Responding to disaster: Thai and Scandinavian
tourists’ motivation to visit Phuket, Thailand. Journal of Travel Research,
46(4), 422–432.
Rivera, L. A. (2008). Managing ‘spoiled’ national identity: War, tourism, and
memory in Croatia. American Sociological Review, 73(4), 613–634.
Robb, E. M. (2009). Violence and recreation: Vacationing in the realm of dark
tourism. Anthropology and Humanism, 34(1), 51–60.
Robinson, M., & Novelli, M. (2005). Niche tourism: An introduction. In M. Nov-
elli (Ed.), Niche tourism: Contemporary issues, trends and cases (pp. 1–11).