Page 5 - Dark Shades of Istria
P. 5

List of Figures · 7
List of Tables · 9

1 Introduction · 11
1.1 Background and Rationale for the Study · 12
1.2 Research Purpose and Objectives · 20
1.3 Interdisciplinary Aspects of the Study · 22

2 Dark Tourism Theory and Discourse · 25
2.1 The Concept of Dark Tourism: Definitions,
Recognisability and Critique · 26
2.2 Dark Tourism Typology · 32
2.3 Dark Tourism and the Death System · 36
2.4 Warfare Tourism · 41
2.5 Chapter Conclusion · 44

3 Memorialisation Theory and Discourse · 47
3.1 Memory Concept · 47
3.2 Memory and History · 50
3.3 Linking Memory with Culture and Politics · 53
3.4 Chapter Conclusion · 57

4 Media Perspective on Dark Tourism and Memory · 59
4.1 Dark Tourism from the Media Perspective · 60
4.2 Memory from the Media Perspective · 63
4.3 Chapter Conclusion · 68

5 Trans-Border Region of Istria · 71
5.1 Region of Istria: A Political Geography Perspective · 72
5.2 Istrian Identity · 78
5.3 Region of Istria: A Brief Historical Overview · 81
5.4 Chapter Conclusion · 104

6 Memories and Dark Tourism in Istria · 107
6.1 Armed Forces and the Beginning of Tourism Development in Istria · 107
6.2 Memorial Practices and Dark Tourism in the post-wwi Period · 111
6.3 wwii-Related Memorial Practices and Dark Tourism · 118
6.4 Other Contemporary Memorial Practices and Dark Tourism · 132
6.5 Discussion and Chapter Conclusion · 139

7 Methodology: An Introduction · 145
7.1 Research Philosophies and Approaches · 145
7.2 Research Design and Methods · 147

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