Page 177 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 177
The Philharmonic Society of London
and its Nineteenth-Century Contribution
to the Rehabilitation of British Composers
Niall O’Loughlin
Loughborough University
Univerza v Loughboroughu
For over 200 years, we’ve been at the heart of music, creating oppor
tunities for musicians to excel, championing the vital role that mu
sic plays in all our lives.1
The creativity of living composers is at the heart of the RPS (Royal
Philharmonic Society). We support music through a range of com
missions and performances, and a dedicated annual programme
widely regarded for having helped many notable composers estab
lish their careers.2
Founding of the Philharmonic Society
In the early years of the 19th century there was considerable musical activi-
ty in London. The two visits of Haydn organised by the violinist and impre-
sario Johann Peter Salomon were still vivid in the minds of some members
of the musical public. The twelve symphonies that Haydn had produced
for these visits set a standard of composition that many wanted to contin-
ue. Some of the symphonies of Mozart were also well known and Beethov-
en’s music was just beginning to appear. There were difficulties, however.
1 Anon., “About us,” Royal Philharmonic Society, consulted April 19th, 2021, www.royalp-
2 Anon., “Nurturing composers,” Royal Philharmonic Society, consulted April 19th, 2021,
The Philharmonic Society of London
and its Nineteenth-Century Contribution
to the Rehabilitation of British Composers
Niall O’Loughlin
Loughborough University
Univerza v Loughboroughu
For over 200 years, we’ve been at the heart of music, creating oppor
tunities for musicians to excel, championing the vital role that mu
sic plays in all our lives.1
The creativity of living composers is at the heart of the RPS (Royal
Philharmonic Society). We support music through a range of com
missions and performances, and a dedicated annual programme
widely regarded for having helped many notable composers estab
lish their careers.2
Founding of the Philharmonic Society
In the early years of the 19th century there was considerable musical activi-
ty in London. The two visits of Haydn organised by the violinist and impre-
sario Johann Peter Salomon were still vivid in the minds of some members
of the musical public. The twelve symphonies that Haydn had produced
for these visits set a standard of composition that many wanted to contin-
ue. Some of the symphonies of Mozart were also well known and Beethov-
en’s music was just beginning to appear. There were difficulties, however.
1 Anon., “About us,” Royal Philharmonic Society, consulted April 19th, 2021, www.royalp-
2 Anon., “Nurturing composers,” Royal Philharmonic Society, consulted April 19th, 2021,