Page 249 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 249
the foundation of a free state is a free (music) association? continuity and change ...

ty, call it society or state, in the long run, cannot really do without. Ubi so­
cietas ibi ius – et musica.


Archival Sources
ARHIV REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE [Archives of the Republic of Slovenia]
Kartoteka društev81
Ljubljanska meščanska godba: št. 864.
Slovenska filharmonija v Ljubljani: št. 1566.
SI AS 68 XVI Kraljeva banska uprava Dravske banovine,16-2 (Spisovno

gradivo o društvih), 13.001 – 17.000 (za leto 1922), delovodna številka 13583
(Slovenska filharmonija v Ljubljani s svojima predhodnicama Ljubljansko
društveno godbo in Ljubljansko meščansko godbo).

81 Concerning the associations, the Archives retained the old division into Kartote­
ka ‘filing system’ (kept in situ in the main Reading room, as well as in a form of a
scanned document) for the search in the scope of Kataster. From Kartoteka, where
associations are arranged by the associations’ name order, a number, particular to
every association, leads to a map within Kataster. This is basically a series of regis-
ters, usually in a form of a book, that were kept at the level of okrajno glavarstvo (Bez­
rikhauptmannschaft) or for the city of Ljubljana, with policijski oddelek deželnega
predsestva (Polizeiabteilung des Landespräsidiums; after 1918 with policijsko mest­
no ravnateljstvo). In the Katastre books, the associations are arranged according to
their names, albeit, ideally, they are ascribed the same number as in Kartoteka. The
number in question, found either in Kartoteka or in Kataster, should lead to a copy
of the association’s statute, sent to the authorities upon application. These, in turn,
are arranged in 75 larger maps. For the whole of the historic land of Carniola, only
one ‘central’ register in a form of a Katastre book was kept at some point. It is pre-
served, but in my experience, it came out of date already before 1914, possibly be-
cause it was not officially kept at the level of the land, and because the newer ‘filing
system’ of Kartoteka was introduced around 1908. If searching first within Kartote­
ka, it is best to crosscheck the number of an association in question in both of its ver-
sions, to avoid mistakes made when the data from the individual file entries were
transcribed and later scanned. The third and most valuable source is spisovno grad­
ivo (official documentation, containing another copy of the statutes, together with
all the previous ones, had they existed, applications, correspondence, copies of min-
utes of the meetings etc.). However, an association there cannot be found according
to the number from Kartoteka or Kataster, but only according to the name of the as-
sociation and preferably the year, when the association was active, or better still, dis-
solved (here, a delovodna številka can be of some help, to facilitate the search within
individual boxes, into which spisovno gradivo had been arranged).

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