Page 337 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 337
The Role and Contribution
of Immigrant Musicians to the Music
Societies in the Slovene Lands Until
the Dissolution of Austria-Hungary1
Maruša Zupančič
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
The nineteenth-century Habsburg Monarchy was a vibrant multicultur-
al state with the intense regional mobility. The period in which the phe-
nomenon of the itinerant virtuoso and the institutionalization of modern
bourgeois musical culture emerged brought a series of changes that altered
the course of musical development. People travelled first by stagecoach, or
postal service with regular connections to the major cities of the monarchy,
and from the mid-1840s onwards travel by train became commonplace. Re-
location between the Austrian Empire’s crown lands was a common prac-
tice among nineteenth-century musicians who were in search of the best
economic opportunities. The term “migration” should be understood here
in a general sense of moving from one geographical area to another, regard-
less of the political borders of the time. During this era of intense musi-
cal transfer, the musical migration stream brought together artists from all
corners of Europe to Slovenian cities. These musicians played a significant
role in Slovenian cultural and music history, particularly through their ac-
tivity in music societies and associations that were in dire need of educat-
ed musicians. This paper is the result of a recent research project that stud-
ied the phenomenon of the Influx of musicians to the Slovene lands during
the long nineteenth century.1
1 The project “Influx of Musicians to the Slovene Lands during the Long Nineteenth
Century – Their Impact and Integration” (J6–9386) was financed by the Slovenian
Research Agency (ARRS).
The Role and Contribution
of Immigrant Musicians to the Music
Societies in the Slovene Lands Until
the Dissolution of Austria-Hungary1
Maruša Zupančič
Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti
Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
The nineteenth-century Habsburg Monarchy was a vibrant multicultur-
al state with the intense regional mobility. The period in which the phe-
nomenon of the itinerant virtuoso and the institutionalization of modern
bourgeois musical culture emerged brought a series of changes that altered
the course of musical development. People travelled first by stagecoach, or
postal service with regular connections to the major cities of the monarchy,
and from the mid-1840s onwards travel by train became commonplace. Re-
location between the Austrian Empire’s crown lands was a common prac-
tice among nineteenth-century musicians who were in search of the best
economic opportunities. The term “migration” should be understood here
in a general sense of moving from one geographical area to another, regard-
less of the political borders of the time. During this era of intense musi-
cal transfer, the musical migration stream brought together artists from all
corners of Europe to Slovenian cities. These musicians played a significant
role in Slovenian cultural and music history, particularly through their ac-
tivity in music societies and associations that were in dire need of educat-
ed musicians. This paper is the result of a recent research project that stud-
ied the phenomenon of the Influx of musicians to the Slovene lands during
the long nineteenth century.1
1 The project “Influx of Musicians to the Slovene Lands during the Long Nineteenth
Century – Their Impact and Integration” (J6–9386) was financed by the Slovenian
Research Agency (ARRS).