Page 356 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 356
glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo

groups of comedians, but in winter nine to ten performances of the “no-
ble friends of art” took place. The unknown author goes on to report that
he travelled to Celje from a nearby town to attend a theatrical performance
that truly surprised him, for some of the performers were on the level of
professionals. They performed Meisl’s Österreichische Grenadier and Cas-
telli’s farce Der Prinz kommt. On this occasion, the Overture to Weissen
Frau and Meyseder’s Rondeau were also performed successfully and pre-
cisely. At the same time, we learn that efforts had been made in the previ-
ous year to improve music lessons. For this purpose, Mr. Leitermeyer was
engaged whose efforts in Celje have already borne fruit. Furthermore, the
author reports on a recent successful event, which was opened by J.G. Seidl
with a patriotic opening poem, Mr. Freudenreich from Zagreb shone with
the flute, and Leitermeyer, the orchestral director, played variations on a
Hungarian theme by Johann Taborsky “with fire, power and reliability.”
The unknown musician showed a rare skill on the guitar, and the duets Ves­
talin and the overture to Le nozze di Figaro were also well performed.77 The
new teacher and orchestral director, Joseph Leitermeyer, was born in Vien-
na.78 He received his musical education there and worked in various the-
atre orchestras.79 It seems that in 1830 Leitermeyer was living in Ljublja-
na.80 A year later he is documented as an orchestral director and soloist of
the Estates Theatre, as well as a private teacher of singing and violin in Lju-
bljana.81 Towards the end of the opera season he moved to Celje, on 1 May
1832,82 and the following year married Anna Scheibler from Ptuj.83 At the
Lavant Music Association (Lavanter Musikverein),84 founded on 1 March

77 J. D., “Aus Cilli. 5. November,” Allgemeine Theaterzeitung und Originalblatt für
Kunst, Literatur, Mode und geselliges Leben, November 26, 1832.

78 Joseph Leitermeyer was born on 12 March 1808 in Vienna (Hernals), the son of a
rope master and a musician (bass singer) Peter Leitermeyer. See: Wien, rk. Erdiöz-
ese, Hernals, Taufbuch 1808–1824, sig. 01–007, fol. 3.

79 He was a violinist, but he could also play viola and violoncello.
80 Zgodovinski arhiv Ljubljana, Conscription of the population 1830–1857, Ljubljana,

Mesto 44, Sig. 5/10000.
81 Joseph Leitermayr, “Vermischte Verlautbarungen,” Vereinigte Laibacher Zeitung,

November 3, 1831, 1156,
82 Slovenski šolski muzej Ljubljana, Glavna šola Celje, Protokol der Verordnungen in

Schulsachen für die k. k. Hauptschule Cilli von 1831 bis 1847, Fasc. 79/2, fol. 28.
83 They were married on 24 July 1833 in Celje. See: Nadškofijski arhiv Maribor, Celje-

-Sv. Danijel, Trauungsbuch 1826–1845, sig. 00282, fol. 45.
84 The Lavant Music Association was founded on the initiative of Simon Rudmasch and

Franz Xsaveri Schneider, in order to revive the musical culture and spread musical
knowledge, but especially to improve the musical knowledge of teacher candidates

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