Page 385 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2023. Glasbena društva v dolgem 19. stoletju: med ljubiteljsko in profesionalno kulturo ▪︎ Music societies in the long 19th century: Between amateur and professional culture. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 6
P. 385
the role and contribution of immigrant musicians to the music societies ...

Rosanelli (1879–1975) and Roderich Mojsisovics von Mojsvár (1877–1953),
were also teachers in Ptuj.

Degner’s successors had a difficult task because he spent a lot of mon-
ey on large musical performances, which also increased the prestige of the
association. In contrast, his successor, the excellent pianist Arno Schütze
(1868–1953)213 from Magdala, had to limit his musical activities to cham-
ber music. During his two-and-a-half-year tenure, he founded a piano trio
that included Franz Haring and Waldemar Robert Schlövogt (1869–1961),214
and also performed with them in duos. Although there were fewer teach-
er changes under the leadership of Paul Schmidt,215 the turnover in teach-
ers and principals continued after his departure, resulting in a decline in

To restore the school’s reputation, Degner’s pupil and the new direc-
tor Mojsisovics von Mojsvár designed a new organization and curriculum.
Despite the constant turnover of teachers, he successfully ensured that the
school had a unified system of teaching according to the curriculum. In the
last period under the leadership of Carl Ettler (1880–?),216 the activities of

213 Arno Schütze (Hugo Max Arnold Schütze) was born on 25 October 1868 in Magda-
la near Weimar. His parents were Gustav Heinrich Albin Schütze and Juliana Elis-
abeth Johanna Oelwein. He studied violin and piano at the Orchester School in We-
imar (Orchesterschule) between 1883 and 1887. From 14 September 1888 to 1 August
1891 he was a director of the Pettauer Musikverein school and a piano teacher. His
piano repertoire in Ptuj included works by Beethoven, Chopin, Schumann, Liszt and
others. Later Schütze was a music director in Recklingen and Bochum. He died on
15 February 1953 in Bonn.

214 Waldemar Robert Schlövogt was born in Oettern near Weimar on 26 April 1869. He
studied violoncello, piano, and bassoon at the Orchestral School (Orchesterschule)
in Weimar from September 1883 to June 1888. From July 1888 to March 1891 he was
a teacher of violoncello at the music school of the Ptuj Music Association. Then he
was for one season principal violoncellist of the Municipal Orchestra (Städtische Or­
chestra) in Hagen. In 1892 he moved to Graz. From 1892 to 1940 he was a teacher at
the Musikverein für Steiremark. He died on 25 November 1961.

215 Paul Schmidt was born in Weimar, where he studied violin and piano at the Or-
chestra School (Orchesterschule) between 1889 and 1891. From September 1890 to
June 1896 he was director of the music school and piano teacher at the Pettauer
Musikverein. In 1896 he moved to Graz, where he was a piano teacher at the Musikv-
erein für Steiermark. Among his pupils was Johanna Seelig.

216 Carl Ettler (also Karl Ettler) was born in Eisenach near Weimar on 10 January 1890.
He studied music at the Leipzig Conservatory around 1899. On 10 September 1910
he came to Ptuj, where he remained until 1920. In 1921, he wrote a critical arti-
cle about the musical situation after the war in the southern Styrian towns of Celje,
Maribor and Ptuj. Later he worked in Leipzig as a choir director and music editor.
See: Carl Ettler, “Musikverhältnisse in Südsteiermark einst und jetzt,” Zeitschrift für
Musik 88 (1921): 602–3.

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