Page 26 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2023. Severe Asthma Forum - Monitoring and Treatable Traits in Severe Asthma. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 2
P. 26
none of the symptoms are specific to dysfunc- “I get breathless even when I am resting”
tional breathing.20
“My breath feels like it does not go in all the way”
Table 1. Symptoms and signs of disfunctional
breathing “My breath feels like it does not go out all the way”

26 System Most probably caused by hypocapnia “My breathing is heavy”
Cardiovascular in hyperventilation
severe asthma forum 2: severe asthma - monitoring and treatable traits in severe asthma Respiratory “I feel that I am breathing more”
Gastrointestinal Palpitations, tachycardia, precordial
pain, cold hands or feet “My breathing requires work”
Neurological Shortness of breath, chest pain, chest
tightness “My breathing requires effort”
Musculoskeletal Globus, dysphagia, epigastric pain,
Psychic aerophagy, bloated feeling in the “I find myself breathing through my mouth during the day”
General stomach
Central: dizziness, disturbance of “I breathe through my mouth at night while I sleep”
consciousness, blurred vision,
Peripheral: paresthesia (tingling Classification
fingers), tetany (rarely) More than 45 years ago Lum and colleagues8
Muscle pains, tremors, tetany proposed classification related to dominant
Feeling tense, anxiety pattern in breathing:
Fatigability, weakness, exhaustion,
sleep disturbance, nightmares 1. Rapid breathing.
2. Irregular amplitude of breaths.
In order to better illustrate respiratory com- 3. Irregular rhythm.
plains that may be evaluated, we quote in Ta- 4. Frequent sighs and yawns.
ble 2 the questions included in a preliminary 5. Habitual sniffing and coughing.
version of Self Evaluation of Breathing Ques- 6. Fast breathless talking.
tionnaire, revised by Courtney R and Green- 7. General tension in the whole body
wood KM.21
Researchers have suggested a few alter-
Table 2. The Self-Evaluation of Breathing native classifications for other patterns of DB.
Questionnaire (SEBQ ), revised version (21).
Boulding and colleagues found that
“I get easily breathless out of proportion to my fitness” “tracking of respiratory flow, frequency and
“I notice myself breathing shallowly” volumes during quiet tidal breathing, of-
“I get short of breath reading and talking” ten performed before and after exercise, can
“I notice myself sighing” give useful information to the clinician and be
“I notice myself yawning” used for providing feedback to the patient.”
“I feel I cannot get a deep or satisfying breath” Further, they used those data to guide them in
“I notice that I am breathing irregularly” defining and classifying various dysfunction-
“My breathing feels stuck or restricted” al breathing patterns.2
“My rib cage feels tight and can’t expand”
“I notice that I am breathing quickly” Classification of DB, by Boulding and
“I get breathless when I am anxious” colleagues:
“I find myself holding my breath”
“I feel breathless in association with other physical symptoms” 1. Hyperventilation syndrome is associat-
“I have trouble coordinating my breathing when I am ed with symptoms both related to res-
speaking” piratory alkalosis and independent of
“I can’t catch my breath” hypocapnia.
“I feel that the air is stuffy, as if not enough air in the room”
2. Periodic deep sighing represents fre-
quent sighing with an irregular breath-
ing pattern.

3. Thoracic dominant breathing is charac-
terized by an absence of costal expan-
sion and an increased reliance on upper
thoracic muscles during inspiration. As
a consequence, this type of breathing
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