Page 34 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2023. Severe Asthma Forum - Monitoring and Treatable Traits in Severe Asthma. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 2
P. 34
tacks between the breathing and relaxation tions as they perceive the practitioner wish-
group was reported.” es them to, lowering the scores given to de-
severe asthma forum 2: severe asthma - monitoring and treatable traits in severe asthma scribe the presence of their symptoms in order
Diaphragmatic (abdominal) breath- to demonstrate the treatment is working. Sim-
ing represents breathing in slowly and deep- ilarly, the practitioner knows that the patient
ly through the nose using the diaphragm with has received therapy and so will be search-
the least possible movement of the chest in ing for proof that therapy has been success-
a supine position with one hand laid on the ful. In reality, it has been noticed that patient
chest and the other on the umbilical region. symptoms and quality of life improve, as as-
Lately, a systematic review has reported that sessed in one study with Asthma Quality of
mind–body exercises, such as yoga or tai chi, Life Questionnaire, even though the NQ/
which incorporate diaphragmatic breath- SEBQ/BPAT scores do not substantially in-
ing can lower effect of intense stress or unfa- crease from the baseline.61 CPET may be ef-
vourable emotions by balancing the sympa- fective in the objective guidance of the breath-
thetic and vagal tone.59 Even through many ing retraining process and in the monitoring
trials have found that breathing exercises are of therapeutic effect.12
helpful in treating COPD, asthma, and post-
operative pulmonary function, the efficacy of Conclusion
diaphragmatic breathing in managing other
diseases/disorders, i.e. cancer, heart failure, Taking into account the heterogeneity, psy-
and anxiety, still needs to be studied further. chological and physiological aspects of DB, a
To stress out, diaphragmatic breathing may multidimensional, holistic assessment would
worsen dyspnoea in severe COPD patients.55 appear the most correct approach to improve
understanding and diagnostic efficiency.
A novel mind-body breathing therapy The current narrative review was composed
intervention adjunct is a capnography-assist- in a manner of brief summary of the avail-
ed respiratory therapy (CART) has found ap- able data considering DB, in order to pro-
plication in COPD-related DB management. mote understanding of the disorder by health
CART consists of patient-centered biofeed- care professionals. Upgrading knowledge of
back, tailored breathing exercises, a home ex- the etiologic and pathophysiologic factors, di-
ercise program and motivational interviewing agnostic tools and treatment options in DB
counselling.60 management enables practitioners to improve
health-related quality of life in people experi-
Primary therapeutic outcome should be encing breathing pattern abnormalities.
improvement in quality of life. Secondary
outcomes mainly include the Nijmegen ques- References
tionnaire score, minute volume, tidal volume,
respiratory frequency, ET-CO2 or transcuta- 1. Siewers K, Walsted E, Manivannan
neous CO2 measurement, and functional ex- B, et al. Heightened ventilatory re-
ercise capacity. However, over the course of sponse during stair climbing in individ-
the therapy, evolution from the first assess- uals with dysfunctional breathing. ERJ
ment to consecutive follow-ups is frequently Open Res. 2022 Oct 10;8(4):00285-
recorded using NQ, SEBQ, or BPAT scores. 2022. doi: 10.1183/23120541.00285-
As aforementioned, these tools subjective- 2022.
ly differentiate symptoms and breathing pat-
tern. What is more, there is risk of bias in pro- 2. Boulding R, Stacey R, Niven R, et al.
cess monitoring. After initiating therapy, a Dysfunctional breathing: a review of the
patient filling out a questionnaire may, either literature and proposal for classification.
intuitively or intentionally, answer the ques-
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