Page 87 - Škrgat, Sabina, ed. 2023. Severe Asthma Forum - Monitoring and Treatable Traits in Severe Asthma. Koper: University of Primorska Press. Severe Asthma Forum, 2
P. 87
ist. Prof. Sabina Škrgat, MD, PhD

university medical centre ljubljana

faculty of medicine, university of ljubljana

Sabina Škrgat, MD, graduated from the Faculty of
Medicine at the University of Ljubljana (1996). She
is a specialist of internal medicine (2004) and pneu-
monology (2011). She got her PhD degree at the Uni-
versity of Ljubljana (2009) with the topic of inves-
tigation, related to angiogenesis and complement
activation in asthma and chronic obstructive pulmo-
nary disease. Her main clinical work consists of man-
agement of patients with severe asthma and other ob-
structive lung diseases. She is an Assistant professor at
Medical Faculty of Ljubljana and she curently has a
leading position in Slovenian National recommenda-
tions for asthma management. She is the clinical lead
of Severe asthma Clinic at University Medical Cen-
tre Ljubljana, Slovenia. Beside clinical work, she is ac-
tive in research of severe asthma by PhD mentoring.
She is also the ERS SHARP (Severe Heterogenous
Asthma Research Collaboration) National lead. Dr.
Škrgat is a member of Slovenian Respiratory Society
steering committee and a member of SHARP steer-
ing committee since 2021. She launched the first Se-
vere asthma forum-joint meeting of South East Eu-
rope which was held in Bled, Slovenia in 2018.
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