Page 112 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 112
glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes | music criticism – yesterday and today

posed.”44 This was probably the performance of 8 June or 21 May
Briefly about his musical activities: The extent of his conducting activ-
ities is not known; we know from the press about two events: on 20 January
1886 he conducted Fibich’s Missa Brevis in F Major (Lviv Cathedral)45 and
in 1890 he completely rehearsed Fibich’s A Night at Karlštejn with the band
of the 30th Regiment:
Fibich’s ‘A Night at Karlštejn’ has been studied hard (for a whole month)
by the band (about 55 men) of the 30th Regiment in Lviv, and the last six
rehearsals will be conducted by the composer, Mr Bř. Lvovský, our cor-
respondent. This composition will be performed at a large popular con-
cert conducted by Capt. [Carl/Karl] Roll.46
Lvovský reported on the preparation for the performance of the work
as early as February 1887, but eventually it was not performed.47 – In 1883–
1890 he sent reports to the music periodical Dalibor (published in Prague)
from Lviv. Lvovský himself wrote in 1891 that he had been writing for the
periodical for 10 years, i. e. from 1881!48 His reports were appreciated by the
editors: there is the following editor’s note at the end of one report: “Further
kind messages from you are always welcome.”49

Table 1: Overview of Lvovský’s texts sent from Lviv (explicit and assumed
authorship, by year)

Dalibor, volume, date, issue number, pages, title of text
V, 7 January 1883, no. 1, p. 10, Řídkou slavnosť uměleckou… (assumed authorship)
V, 21 March 1883, no. 11, pp. 111, 112, Ze Lvova, v únoru 1883
VI, 1884 (short reports from Lviv without signature) (assumed authorship)
VII, 14 July 1885, no. 26, pp. 256, 257, Dopisy z ciziny. Ve Lvově, v únoru 1885. Pro nával jiné látky
nutně opozděno. (pokračování příště)

44 Anon., “Osobní,” Dalibor 12, no. 28 (14 June 1890): 220.
45 Vladimír Hudec, Zdeněk Fibich. Tematický katalog – thematisches Verzeichnis –

thematic catalogue (Praha: Editio Bärenreiter Prague, 2001), 327; Anon., “Drobné
zprávy. Mistra Fibicha,” Dalibor 8, no. 1 (7 January 1886): 8.
46 Anon., “Literatura,” Dalibor 12, no. 1–2 (4 January 1890): 9.
47 Anon., “Dopisy z ciziny. Ze Lvova,” Dalibor 11, no. 7 (12 February 1887): 55. Further
on the topic: Anon., “Různé zprávy. Fibichova ‘Noc na Karlštejně’ orchestrálně ve
Lvově,” Dalibor 12, no. 15 (22 March 1890): 118; Anon., “Ze Lvova, v dubnu r. 1890,”
Dalibor 12, no. 22 (3 May 1890): 174–5.
48 Anon., “Dopis z Vídně, prosinec 1891,” Dalibor 12, no. 47–48 (31 December 1891):
49 Anon., “Listy ze Lvova,” Dalibor 11, no. 18–19 (20 April 1889): 140–1.

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