Page 121 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2024. Glasbena kritika – nekoč in danes ▪︎ Music Criticism – Yesterday and Today. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 7
P. 121
e. b. lvovský or who was the harshest viennese cr itic of antonín dvoř ák’s music

Volume, date, issue number, pages, title of text
XVII, 23 March 1895, no. 16, pp. 119–120, Dopis z Vídně
XVII, 30 March 1895, no. 17–18, pp. 128, 129, Dopis z Vídně. Telegram 27. 3. 1895 v noci. “Tajemst-
ví” Komická zpěvohra B. Smetany. Po generální zkoušce ve dvorní opeře 26. 3. 1895
XVII, 13 April 1895, no. 20, pp. 151, 152, Dopis z Vídně. Dne 31. 3. 1895
XVII, 20 April 1895, no. 21, pp. 159, 160, Dopis z Vídně. Dne 9. dubna 1895

We find mentions of Lvovský in the review of the concert in Bulgar-
ia and then in the list of those who congratulated Z. Fibich on his fiftieth

Music journalism: Neue musikalische Presse
It is not yet clear whether Lvovský was a regular editor or just a collabo-
rator. The statement “[...] the ‘Neue Musikalische Presse’ is edited by Lvo-
vský (Lemberger)” in the anti-Semitic article should be taken with a grain
of salt.65

His collaboration ended at the end of 1907 or at the beginning of 1908:
a report in Dalibor explicitly states that Lvovský resigned from the editorial
position and that he would be replaced by Dr. Berg.66 The year 1908 is also
cited as the upper limit of the journal’s existence. No research concerning
this periodical has been carried out yet; so far we know of three texts in Vol-
ume XVI (1907): no. 17 Ignaz Brüll †, no. 21 Hans von Bülows Briefe, no. 24 a
review of Op. 9 by the composer Ernst Toch.

Music journalism: Deutsche Kunst– und Musik-Zeitung, Die Lyra
(Wien), Musikalisches Wochenblatt (Leipzig)
Certain indications point to a possible collaboration between Lvovský and
these three music periodicals.

Music journalism:
Österreichische Musik– und Theaterzeitung
Österreichische Musik- und Theaterzeitung (ÖMTZ) – This journal was
founded in October 1888.67 It is possible that Lvovský contributed to it from

64 Vasilev, “Z Ruščuku,” 340; Anon., “K Abrahámovinám,” Dalibor 15, no. 3–5 (17 De-
cember 1892): 22.

65 Anon., “Weitere Beispiele aus der jüdischen Pressherschaft,” 4. Resp. Anon., “Die
ungeheure Macht der Judenpresse,” 11.

66 Anon., “Různé zprávy. Břetislav Lvovský,” Dalibor 30, no. 14 (11 January 1908): 114.
67 The first three volumes were subtitled Zeitschrift für Musik und Theater (10/1888–9/1891),

and the following three Organ zur Hebung österreichischer Militär-Musik (10/1891–9/1894).

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