Page 172 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 172

glasbena interpretacija ... | music interpretation ...
            encouraging new music. Bravničar naturally included works by his father
            Matija Bravničar in his programmes and recordings, in addition to his out-
            standing performances of the famous concertos of Western Europe. Lorenz
            was more familiar with modernists’ works, for example, the six brilliant
            miniatures of Invisibilia of Lojze Lebič. More adventurous works were tack-
            led by Janez Podlesek, notably two by Nina Šenk (Violin Concerto No.1,
            Into the Shades).
                 Clarinettists have been prominent in recent years in encouraging
            composers. Dušan Sodja and Tatjana Kaučič as a clarinet-piano duo called
            ClariPiano have embraced a wide range of suitable works from the clar-
            inet repertory and attracted a number of new works with their excellent
            playing, notably by Uroš Krek (Sonatina, Sarabanda za Natašo), Ivo Petrić
            (Jesenska srečanja), Primož Ramovš (D-S), Nenad Firšt (Dnevnik, Souvenir
            99), Jaka Pucihar (Sonata No.2) and Lojze Lebič (Spomin – Reminiscence).
            Another clarinettist, Jože Kotar, has, as a soloist or a member of an ensem-
            ble or orchestra, taken part in nearly 200 new works by Slovene composers,
            including the virtuoso concerto by Vito Žuraj. A recital in 2014 in Ljubljana
            (13 March) of the first performances of Slovene music given by Kotar con-
            sisted of works by Vitja Avsec (Koncertantni utrip), Dušan Bavdek (Geste
            mrtvega časa), Nenad Firšt (Atelje), Pavel Mihelčič (Črno ogledalo), Marijan
            Mlakar (Metulj) and Črt Sojar Voglar (Kristali).  Subsequently Kotar and
            his excellent pianist Luca Ferrini recorded the works from this recital, add-
            ing pieces by Igor Štuhec, Tomaž Habe, Zlatan Vauda and Samo Vremšak.
            All of this is a great tribute by composers to his skills and superb technique,
            to say nothing of his contributions as principal clarinettist of the Slovenska
            filharmonija for twelve years and of the RTV Symphony Orchestra more
            recently. The third clarinet player of especial note is the composer-clari-
            nettist Uroš Rojko, who inspires his own works as well as those of others.
            Outstanding is Rojko’s two-clarinet concerto Koncertant(n)i K(o-j)u-je-jo
            of 2004–5. It is noteworthy that one of the clarinettists in the first perfor-
            mance on 14 March 2014 and in the DSS recording was in fact Jože Kotar.
            Rojko’s own performing talent can be heard in Lojze Lebič’s Duettino for
            clarinet and guitar and in various of his own works.
            12   The CD entitled Srečanja (Ljubljana: Audio Rode, CIK CD-001, 2004) includes the
                 Sonatina and Sarabanda za Natašo by Uroš Krek, Jesenske srečanja by Ivo Petrić, D-S
                 by Primož Ramovš, Dnevnik by Nenad Firšt and Sonata No.2 by Jaka Pucihar.
            13   Kovačič,  30 let Slovenskih glasbenih dnevov, 169.
            14   Performances of these works are recorded on the CD entitled Kristali – Crystals (Lju-
                 bljana: Društvo slovenskih skladateljev, Ed. DSS 2017112, 2017).

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