Page 179 - Weiss, Jernej, ur./ed. 2025. Glasbena interpretacija: med umetniškim in znanstvenim┊Music Interpretation: Between the Artistic and the Scientific. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 8
P. 179

recent slovene music and its interpreters
            have a long tradition of working in these types of works, cooperation be-
            tween performers and composers or authors is absolutely essential. Two
            works of this kind are Globokar’s Angel zgodovine (completed in 2004) and
            Zamrznitve or Freezing by Larisa Vrhunc (2022) with spoken texts by Mira
            Mihelič. The latter work is described as bralno-vizualno-koncertni dogodek
            (‘reading-visual-concert event’) thus emphasising the different dimensions.
            The composer writes:

                 On Slowind’s last event [18 November 2022], they allowed me to do a
                 multi-media event where I could work with electronics, video, sculp-
                 ture, literature, big ensemble ... I could tell a complete story.
                 Performers and composer are working in complete harmony.
                 This short and necessarily selective survey should make it clear that
            while the achievements of advanced Slovene music in the 20  century were
            very impressive indeed, in the first quarter of the 21  century their number
            increased considerably without any sacrifice of their quality. A large meas-
            ure of the success has been due to the abilities of the performers and the
            positive effect on the creativity of the composers.

            The UHO Society was founded at the end of 2019. The idea of a new socie-
            ty emerged when it was announced that the long-standing Slowind Festi-
            val was to cease, thus giving rise to an urgent need to continue the tradition
            of performing the most contemporary music in Slovenia. Since contempo-
            rary music, like early music, seems more demanding in terms of reception,
            there is a need to organise its presentation as carefully and comprehensive-
            ly as possible. At the same time, the notion of the contemporary at the mo-
            ment opens up a broad range of musical diversity. The UHO Society seeks
            to present the most contemporary composed music, to fill the reception
            gaps in the presentation of music of the twentieth and twenty-first centu-
            ries, and to build bridges with all of the creative potential in a widely diver-
            sified musical map.
                 On a voluntary basis, the UHO Music Society brings together musi-
            cians, musicologists, music educators and music lovers who want to contrib-
            ute to the development, presentation and better understanding of classical
            music, with an emphasis on contemporary music. The purpose of the asso-
            ciation is to connect music creators and performers as well as legal entities
            20   Larisa Vrhunc, personal communication, 3 March 2024.

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