Page 20 - Welcome to PORTOROŽ, Welcome to TURISTICA! Welcome Guide for Foreign Students. 2019
P. 20

“Turistica offers the opportunities to
achieve extraordinary results.”

Nermina Vilić, Foreign student (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

“ As a foreign student, I was attracted to Turistica because I knew it would offer the opportunity to work and interact
with knowledgeable professors and brilliant students, and help me achieve my goal to become an expert in the field of
tourism. Turistica offers many opportunities to expand talents in tourism business, to inspire and motivate others, and
achieve extraordinary results. That is why, I highly recommend to study at Turistica. “

“The faculty gave me a warm welcome
and the people there have helped me
through my studies and that has got me

to where I am today”

Marsel Valiev, Foreign student (Russia)

“I am now a third year student at Turistica and my story started in 2013, when I arrived to the Slovenian coast with my
family to support my father at an Ex-tempore competition. I fell in love with Slovenia and promised myself that I would
return some day. I applied to Turistica and I haven’t felt any regret because the faculty gave me a warm welcome and
the people here have helped me through my studies and that has got me to where I am today: being fluent in Slovene
and soon completing my Bachelor’s degree. To all the freshmen I would like to give a simple advice: follow your dreams,
be independent and be devoted to what you want to do with your life. Keep it real and best of luck!”

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