Page 35 - Welcome to PORTOROŽ, Welcome to TURISTICA! Welcome Guide for Foreign Students. 2019
P. 35
to: Iva Emeršič

Name of programme:
Innovative Tourism
Level of study programme:
Type of study programme:
three years (six semesters), 180 ECTS
Degree awarded:
doktor znanosti, equivalent to PhD
in Innovative Tourism

Photo: Tjaša Polajnar INNOVATIVE TOURISM diverse, multi-disciplinary field of tourism research. The 3rd level study
programme, Innovative tourism, is the first doctoral programme in the
For all of you directed into research field of tourism in Slovenia. Upgrading the existing study programme
or academic careers in the field of on the 1st and 2nd level with a 3rd level study programme (doctoral
tourism we present a new doctoral study) is a response to contemporary tourist practices and, at the
programme Innovative tourism. With this same time, the challenge of fast evolving tourism. Tourism as the
programme, which represents the highest most propulsive industry of the 21st century requires experts for
level of study of tourism Slovenia has in-depth research and development of competencies in the field of
to offer, we enable students of Turistica innovative processes, products and communications in tourism. With
the continuation of tourism studies on the development of competencies in the field of innovation in tourism,
all three levels. At the same time, we graduates can contribute new insights to identify and meet the genuine
invite other post-graduate, doctoral needs of tourism, develop knowledge for competitive and responsible
students who see their opportunity in the management of tourism enterprises and new approaches for the
sustainable development of tourist destinations. The programme enables
in-depth and internationally oriented scientific research and develops new,
interdisciplinary knowledge to promote innovation in tourism.

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