Page 47 - Welcome to PORTOROŽ, Welcome to TURISTICA! Welcome Guide for Foreign Students. 2019
P. 47
men Novarlič, head of Business in career was an obstacle for her, which she
Communication Department at the Slovenian overcame by gaining knowledge, suitable
Tourist Board (STO), established first charter abilities and with hard work. Working with
flights from Japan to Slovenia, brought people, multiculturalism and a dynamic
many ministers dealing with tourism after environment of tourism makes her happy,
the independence as well as the highest what can be seen in her motivation which she
China National Tourism Administration gets daily in new promotional projects for
to participate at the ministries meeting on Slovenia abroad. Despite all this she takes time
tourism among the middle and eastern to relax in sports activities in nature. She loves
European countries and China. She says that to explore Slovenia but outside of our country
those kinds of business events represent her she is drawn to Asia. She thinks of herself as
biggest success. She adds that progression a positive person because she believes that
solutions can always be found. Her friend
would also describe her as positive, persistent
and reliable but also a little bit too busy all the
time. As a former student of Turistica’s first
generation she remembers genuine, open and
really good relations with the lecturers. Her
advice to following generations at Turistica
would be: “Upgrade the theory with practice
and do as many student works in tourism as
you can, because that will help you in your
future career.”

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