Page 19 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! ■ Get the balance right! Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 19
onautika: Putovanja Argonauta prema
Apoloniju Rođaninu (lijevo).

Argonautica: The voyage of the Argonauts
after Apollonius of Rhodes (left).

Jazon otima »zlatno runo«. Detalj s atičke
crvenofiguralne vaze Orchard slikara, 470.-
460. g. pr. Kr. (New York, Metropolitan
Museum of Art, 34.11.7).

Jason takes the »Golden Fleece«. Detail from
Athenian red-figure vase, Orchard Painter,
about 470-460 BC (New York, Metropolitan
Museum of Art, 34.11.7).

Medea i Jazon obredno sakate Apsirtovo mrt-
vo tijelo. Potpis: Apollonides. Otisak geme iz
karneola (The Beazley Archive, T589).

Medea and Jason ritually maimed the body of
Apsyrtus. Signature: Apollonides. Proof-im-
pression of the cornelian gem (The Beazley
Archive, T589).
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