Page 64 - Blečić Kavur, Martina. Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! ■ Get the balance right! Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem, 2014.
P. 64
tina Blečić Kavur
Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! / Get the balance right!
Professional Monograph
Reviewers ■ dr. Marko Dizdar, dr. dr. h. c. Mitja Guštin
Edited by, graphic design and typesetting ■ dr. Jonatan Vinkler
Photographs ■ dr. Martina Blečić Kavur, dr. Boris Kavur, Nadir Mavrović, Arhiv krčke biskupije
Translation ■ dr. Boris Kavur, dr. Martina Blečić Kavur
Proof reading ■ Božena Bunčić, dr. Gregor Pobežin
Editor in chief ■ dr. Jonatan Vinkler
Managing editor ■ Alen Ježovnik
Published by ■ University of Primorska, University of Primorska Press, Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper
isbn 978-961-6832-82-3 (printed)
isbn 978-961-6832-84-7 (pdf)
isbn 978-961-6832-83-0 (html)
© 2014 Založba Univerze na Primorskem
Print ■ Kolorklinika, Zagreb
Circulation ■ 300 copies
This publication was financially supported by the European commission with the Culture program. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and
the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana
BLEČIĆ-Kavur, Martina
Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! [Elektronski vir] : Osor u ravnoteži europskih kultura i civilizacija posljednjih stoljeća stare ere = Get the balance right! : Osor in
balance of European cultures and civilizations in the last centuries BC : professional monograph / Martina Blečić Kavur ; photographs Martina Blečić Ka-
vur ... [et al.] ; translation Boris Kavur, Martina Blečić Kavur. - El. knjiga. - Koper : University of Primorska Press, 2014
ISBN 978-961-6832-84-7 (pdf)
ISBN 978-961-6832-83-0 (html)
Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! / Get the balance right!
Professional Monograph
Reviewers ■ dr. Marko Dizdar, dr. dr. h. c. Mitja Guštin
Edited by, graphic design and typesetting ■ dr. Jonatan Vinkler
Photographs ■ dr. Martina Blečić Kavur, dr. Boris Kavur, Nadir Mavrović, Arhiv krčke biskupije
Translation ■ dr. Boris Kavur, dr. Martina Blečić Kavur
Proof reading ■ Božena Bunčić, dr. Gregor Pobežin
Editor in chief ■ dr. Jonatan Vinkler
Managing editor ■ Alen Ježovnik
Published by ■ University of Primorska, University of Primorska Press, Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper
isbn 978-961-6832-82-3 (printed)
isbn 978-961-6832-84-7 (pdf)
isbn 978-961-6832-83-0 (html)
© 2014 Založba Univerze na Primorskem
Print ■ Kolorklinika, Zagreb
Circulation ■ 300 copies
This publication was financially supported by the European commission with the Culture program. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and
the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
CIP - Kataložni zapis o publikaciji
Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana
BLEČIĆ-Kavur, Martina
Uhvati pravu ravnotežu! [Elektronski vir] : Osor u ravnoteži europskih kultura i civilizacija posljednjih stoljeća stare ere = Get the balance right! : Osor in
balance of European cultures and civilizations in the last centuries BC : professional monograph / Martina Blečić Kavur ; photographs Martina Blečić Ka-
vur ... [et al.] ; translation Boris Kavur, Martina Blečić Kavur. - El. knjiga. - Koper : University of Primorska Press, 2014
ISBN 978-961-6832-84-7 (pdf)
ISBN 978-961-6832-83-0 (html)