Page 51 - Kavur, Boris, Marija Lubšina Tušek, 2016. Na stičišču svetov | On the Crossroad of Worlds. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem | University of Primorska Press.
P. 51
Dama z vzhoda
The Lady from the East

M Glajšeželeznodobni grob, označen z zapo- 49
redno številko 4, je bil vkopan na severni
strani v zasutja obodnega jarka starejšeže- rave number 4 dated to the Late Iron Age
was dug into the circumferential ditch on the
northern side of mound number 4 dated to

leznodobne gomile številka 4, ki se je nahajala na juž- the Early Iron Age located in the cemetery’s southern

nem delu grobišča. Podolgovata jama je bila dolga 2,6 part. The oblong pit was 2.6-meters-long and 2.2-me-

in široka 2,2 metra ter usmerjena od jugozahoda pro- ters-wide. It ran from the southwest to northeast and

ti severovzhodu ter zapolnjena s temnim drobnozrna- was filled with dark, fine-grained sediment contai-

tim sedimentom, ki je vseboval več večjih prodnikov. ning several large pebbles. Up to 15 centimeters of lar-

Do 15 centimetrov veliki prodniki so obdajali južni ge pebbles surrounded the grave pit’s southern part –

del grobne jame oziroma zgornji del slabo ohranje- including the upper part of a badly preserved skeleton

nega skeleta (Slika 13; 14). Ohranili so se zgolj zobje ter (Figure 13; 14). Only its teeth and parts of long bones,
deli dolgih kosti, ki so se stikali s kovinskimi pridatki particularly its hand and feet bones which were in con-

– kosti rok in nog, ki so bile v stiku z bronastimi za- tact with bronze bracelets and ankle-rings touching

pestnicami in nanožnicami. the metal grave goods, were preserved.

Komplet keramičnih posod je bil položen ob glavo A set of ceramic vessels was laid at the head of the de-
pokojnice – odkriti sta bili posoda z zaobljenim tele- ceased. A pot with a rounded body and a long narrow
som in dolgim ozkim vratom in izvihanim ustjem ter neck with an everted mouth as well as a bowl with a
skleda z S-profiliranim robom. Na njenih prsih sta se S-profiled mouth were discovered. Two fragments of
nahajala dva dela železne ovratnice, ostanki dveh moč- an iron collar, further remains of two highly weath-
no preperelih železnih fibul, bronasta fibula tipa Du- ered iron fibulae, a bronze fibula of Duchcov-type and
chcov ter jantarni obroček bikoničnega preseka. Na an amber ring with a biconical cross-section were also
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