Page 105 - Hozjan, Dejan, ur., 2015. Razvijanje kakovosti na Univerzi na Primorskem. Založba Univerze na Primorskem, Koper.
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trendi v terciarnem izobraževanju in na trgu dela ....
Polanec, Sašo, and Tjaša Bartolj. 2011. »Trg dela: Se splača študirati?« Dnevnik – Objektiv,
November 5.
Schomburg, Harald. »The Professional Success of Higher Education Graduates.« Europe-
an Journal of Education 42, no. 1 (2007): 35–57.
Strašek, Rok, et al. 2010. »Financiranje visokega šolstva za tretje tisočletje.« Poročilo razis-
kovalnega dela na projektu v okviru Ciljnega raziskovalnega programa (CRP) »Kon-
kurenčnost Slovenije 2006–2013«. Koper, Ljubljana: Univerza na Primorskem, Fa-
kulteta za management Koper in Univerza v Ljubljani, Ekonomska fakulteta, 2010.
CBI (Confederation of British Industry). »Making Employability Work: An Agenda for
Action.« London: CBI, 1999
Cedefop. »Terminology of European Education and Training Policy.« A selection of 100
key terms. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communi-
ties, 2008.
CEDEFOP. 2014a. »European Job Growth Creators Analytical Highlight.« ICF GHK
and Cedefop for »EU Skills Panorama«. http://euskillspanorama.cedefop.europa.
eu/AnalyticalHighlights (15. 12 2014).
CEDEFOP. 2014b. EU Skills Panorama − Glossary. Dostopno na: http://euskillspanora- (14. 11. 2014).
CHEERS – Careers after Higher Education: a European Research Study. Http://www. (6. 1. 2014).
DEHEMS – Network for the Development of Higher Education Management Sys-
tems. 2009. Framework tool for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Sytems: Do-
main Overview of Statistical Data related to Graduates Employability – ECONOMY.
Http:// (6. 1. 2014).
EC. 2014. »Country fiche – Overview report: Mapping and Analysing Bottleneck Va-
cancies in EU Labour Markets – Slovenia.«
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Eurofound. 2010a. »Employability.«
industrial-relations-dictionary/employability (6. 1. 2014).
Eurofound. 2010b. »European Employment Strategy.«
(6. 1. 2014).
European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice. 2013. »Education and Training in Europe
2020: Responses from the EU Member States.« Eurydice Report. Brussels: Eurydice.
Eurostat – Education and Training Database. 2014.
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Eurostat – EUROPOP2013. »Projekcije prebivalstva za Slovenijo, SURS, 7. april 2014.«
Posebna objava. (14. 11. 2014).
Evropa 2020, Strategija za pametno, trajnostno in vključujočo rast. Sporočilo Komisije,
Bruselj, 3.3.2010, COM(2010) 2020. (12. 3. 2014).
Polanec, Sašo, and Tjaša Bartolj. 2011. »Trg dela: Se splača študirati?« Dnevnik – Objektiv,
November 5.
Schomburg, Harald. »The Professional Success of Higher Education Graduates.« Europe-
an Journal of Education 42, no. 1 (2007): 35–57.
Strašek, Rok, et al. 2010. »Financiranje visokega šolstva za tretje tisočletje.« Poročilo razis-
kovalnega dela na projektu v okviru Ciljnega raziskovalnega programa (CRP) »Kon-
kurenčnost Slovenije 2006–2013«. Koper, Ljubljana: Univerza na Primorskem, Fa-
kulteta za management Koper in Univerza v Ljubljani, Ekonomska fakulteta, 2010.
CBI (Confederation of British Industry). »Making Employability Work: An Agenda for
Action.« London: CBI, 1999
Cedefop. »Terminology of European Education and Training Policy.« A selection of 100
key terms. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communi-
ties, 2008.
CEDEFOP. 2014a. »European Job Growth Creators Analytical Highlight.« ICF GHK
and Cedefop for »EU Skills Panorama«. http://euskillspanorama.cedefop.europa.
eu/AnalyticalHighlights (15. 12 2014).
CEDEFOP. 2014b. EU Skills Panorama − Glossary. Dostopno na: http://euskillspanora- (14. 11. 2014).
CHEERS – Careers after Higher Education: a European Research Study. Http://www. (6. 1. 2014).
DEHEMS – Network for the Development of Higher Education Management Sys-
tems. 2009. Framework tool for Quality Assurance in Higher Education Sytems: Do-
main Overview of Statistical Data related to Graduates Employability – ECONOMY.
Http:// (6. 1. 2014).
EC. 2014. »Country fiche – Overview report: Mapping and Analysing Bottleneck Va-
cancies in EU Labour Markets – Slovenia.«
catId=89&langId=sl&newsId=2131&moreDocuments=yes&tableName=news /
(14. 1. 2015).
Eurofound. 2010a. »Employability.«
industrial-relations-dictionary/employability (6. 1. 2014).
Eurofound. 2010b. »European Employment Strategy.«
(6. 1. 2014).
European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice. 2013. »Education and Training in Europe
2020: Responses from the EU Member States.« Eurydice Report. Brussels: Eurydice.
Eurostat – Education and Training Database. 2014.
ucation-and-training/data/database (14. 11. 2014).
Eurostat – EUROPOP2013. »Projekcije prebivalstva za Slovenijo, SURS, 7. april 2014.«
Posebna objava. (14. 11. 2014).
Evropa 2020, Strategija za pametno, trajnostno in vključujočo rast. Sporočilo Komisije,
Bruselj, 3.3.2010, COM(2010) 2020. (12. 3. 2014).