Page 258 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 258
his book is for:
all lovers of Slovene wine and those
who would like to become so,
all those who wish to become familiar
with the culture of wine in Slovenia,
all the Slovene winegrowers and winemakers
who strive to produce high quality, natural wine.
This is precisely what the author of this book is encouraging us to do – to adopt the right
attitude to wine. He links wine to culture and to history, invoking curiosity and interest.
Some aspects of wine and some of its components are deliberately only mentioned in
passing, while others, less well-known to lay people, are emphasised and explained in a
simple and interesting manner. For those touched by the book and who wish to delve deeper
into the art of winemaking there is extensive literature available on this subject.
Mojmir Wondra PhD
From an early age, father would take us round winegrowing areas and wine cellars, teaching
us about wine tasting and drinking. I personally always liked most the smell of wine and
I often competed with my father to see who would be best at identifying what variety it
was. I think this game has been with us ever since those mysterious test tube days. We
did not visit only Slovene wine cellars, but also those across a large part of Europe, as well
as the best-known museums and historical sites, which my father could so interestingly
include in his story about wine.
Marija Mojca Terčelj PhD
The play of mysterious test tubes
The more familiar we are with the history of European viticulture, winemaking and the
culture of wine, the easier it will be for us to understand and evaluate our local special
features and the more competitive and sought after will be the excellent wines produced
in Slovene regions. The journey from the heritage of viticulture and winemaking to the
culture of wine and wine tourism in Slovenia seems natural and simple. But it needed to
be conceived, mapped out and travelled. And this is what Dušan Terčelj has done for us.
Let us make the journey with him.
Aleš Gačnik PhD
From the heritage of winegrowing and winemaking to the culture
of wine and wine tourism in Slovenia

Dušan Terčelj was one of the most important and internationally respected

Slovene oenologists, whose work marked the second half of the 20th century and whose
way of thinking became part of the history of winemaking in Slovenia. His extremely
rich knowledge and experience was gained in many fields, from working in a wine cellar,
as a researcher, developer, promoter and adviser, to being the expert organiser of the
International Wine Competition in Ljubljana (1975 to 2003) and the president of the
international committee for the assessment of wine (from 1990). His invaluable insights
are collected in the book The Culture of Wine in Slovenia.
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