Page 31 - Terčelj, Dušan. 2015. The Culture of Wine in Slovenia. Edited by Aleš Gačnik. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 31
torical and contemporary creativity that seek inspiration in traditional knowledge, tech-
nology and wisdom. The connections and strategic partnerships among various aspects of
cultural heritage and tourism will be the main rationale of the series. We are convinced that
tourism based on and derived from heritage represents a major international opportunity
for the development of local communities, regions and the state. This certainly applies to

A summer working meeting of the narrower project team under “Zois’s trellis” at the author’s home in Ptuj, 2006.
Photo: Aleš Gačnik.

the heritage of winemaking and the culture of
wine in Slovenia.
In the process of creating this book, which spanned
a number of years, we decided that current knowl-
edge and experience in oenology, winegrowing
and winemaking should be taken into account,
while Dušan Terčelj was led by his wish to publish
a “different” book about wine, one that focuses not
only on modern knowledge and achievements, but
which at the same time talks about the importance
of the invaluable personal experience the author
gained during the multitude of his encounters with
wine, winegrowers, winemakers, wine sellers, wine
connoisseurs and their opponents at home and

That genetics has shown that Slovenes are just a class of wine
flies is an amusing thought by the aphorist Milan Fridauer
Fredi, which was excellently illustrated by the caricaturist

Aljana Primožič in the book V vinu je resnica, resnost pa ne /
Vinsko pivski aforizmi in karikature (There is Truth in Wine, but
no Seriousness / Aphorisms and Caricatures Relating to Wine
and Drinking). The collection Umetnosti Slovenije (The Arts of

Slovenia), Tovarna tradicij, 2006.

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