Page 128 - Hrobat Virloget, Katja, et al., eds. (2015). Stone narratives: heritage, mobility, performance. University of Primorska Press, Koper.
P. 128
stone narratives

Figure 8: Underli-
ned passages (Pho-

to: Irena Weber).
Figure 9: Works-
pace (Photo: Irena


ty, a sound of the gravel under the footsteps combined with the back-
ground city noises. Somewhat unwillingly I finally get up and walk
slowly towards the Hauptbahnhof with its giant Rolling horse sculp-
ture, rain dripping as it does in Berlin even in summer, and the fami-
liar wind blowing from the west, to catch – or rather to wait for – the
S-Bahn to Friedrichstrasse. The street where, more than elsewhere in
Berlin, thinking about Benjamin’s urban archaeology becomes inevi-
tably mixed with Lefebvre’s city rhythms. The sounds, movements, la-
yers, sediments, stories. I step out of the Passagen. Walking on both
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