Page 33 - Krész, Miklós, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). MATCOS-13. Proceedings of the 2013 Mini-Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2016.
P. 33
edules, and determined the parameters that have to be Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia
considered during the rescheduling process. The framework SOR’11, pages 341–345, 2011.
we described is independent of the solution method, and is
also able to run different solution methods in parallel. It
can also store and return multiple solutions, which gives the
flexibility to the company operator to choose according to
his or her needs.


This work was partially supported by the European Union
and co-funded by the European Social Fund through project
HPC (grant no.: TA´ MOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-0010).


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