Page 59 - Droge in nekemične zasvojenosti v Obalno-kraški regiji in Primorsko-goranski županiji / Droge i nekemijske ovisnosti u Obalno-kraškoj i Primorsko-goranskoj županiji. Zbornik povzetkov. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 59
jih na področju drog zahtevajo razvoj pristopov, ki bodo imeli za posle-
dico manjšo uporabo drog in posledično tudi manjšo proizvodnjo ter pro-
met s prepovedanim drogami v regiji. Ti pristopi pa morajo biti celostni in
vključevati vse oblike preventive, zdravljenja in socialne obravnave ter re-
habilitacije odvisnih od drog.
»Drug Law Offences.«
EMCDDA – European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addic-

tion. Drugs in Focus. Drugs and Crime – A Complex Relationship. Lu-
xembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communi-
ties, 2007. EMCDDA. 2007.
EMCDDA – European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addic-
tion. Legal Topic Overviews: Possession of Cannabis for personal use. Lu-
xembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communi-
ties, 2012.
EMCDDA – European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addic-
tion and Europol. EU Drug Markets Report: Strategic Overview. Lu-
xembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2016.
»Fact Sheet: Drug-Related Crime.« U.S. Department of Justice Office of
Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1994.
Kazenski zakonik Republike Slovenije. Uradni list Republike Slovenije št.
Policija Republike Slovenije. 2016.
Soyka, Michael, Anna Träder, Jens Klotsche, Annina Haberthür, Gerhard
Bühringer, Jürgen Rehm and Hans-Ulrich Wittchen. »Criminal Be-
havior in Opioid-Dependent Patients Before and During Maintenan-
ce Therapy: 6-year Follow-Up of a Nationally Representative Cohort
Sample.« Journal of Forensic Sciences 57, no. 6 (2012): 1524–9.

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