Page 30 - Pelc, Stanko, and Miha Koderman, eds., 2016. Regional development, sustainability, and marginalization. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 30
ional development, sustainability, and marginalization 28 print). Similar to other European countries, the whole state, as well
as its individual regions, is not on an environmentally sustainable
path. Moreover, socio-economic progress is often being achieved
at the expense of environmental capital. The paper highlights de-
velopmental challenges that individual »problematic« Slovenian re-
gions are facing while striving to reorient themselves to a sustaina-
ble development path.
Key words: regional development, sustainable development,
regional disparities, regions, Slovenia

The spatial dynamics of IT&C sector in Central-Eastern
Europe and Romania (2008-2015). The case of secondary
and tertiary cities
George Ţurcănaşu and Gabriel Camară
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Faculty of Geography
and Geology, Av. Carol I, 20A, 700505, Iași, Romania
The location factors of the IT&C sector are not much different from
those of other economic activities. The quality and the quantity of
the labour force, the accessibility of the site, the proximity of basic
research facilities, and the existence of agglomeration economies
are location factors that worked or still work in the case of indus-
tries with medium to high technological sophistication. IT&C evolu-
tionary phases are not much different. Once in the standardization
phase, in which production operations have become common-
place, the activities are most often relocated to peripheral areas.
While relocations are easily observable in the case of the hardware
element of IT&C, neither the software nor the services are im-
mune to diffusion in the territory. For example, for the outsourc-
ing, the first components subjected to the diffusion in the territory
are BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and SSC (Shared Service
Centre), and possibly ITO (Information Technology Outsourcing),
while R&D (Research & Development) and especially KPO (Knowl-
edge Process Outsourcing) are more stable. That does not mean
that secondary cities that have created a good brand image in the
field have failed to attract superior outsourcing sectors; the compa-
ny Bosch has an R&D centre in Cluj-Napoca as does Continental in
Timisoara. In Iasi,, Gemini CAD Systems, and Conti-
nental belong to the upper sectors of outsourcing.
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