Page 37 - Pelc, Stanko, and Miha Koderman, eds., 2016. Regional development, sustainability, and marginalization. Koper: University of Primorska Press.
P. 37
ginalization of Slovenia in terms 2016 conference of igu commission 35
of a dual educational system
Vane Urh and Elvis Salkić
University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities,
Titov trg 5, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia
The educational system is one of the main processes shaping the
social status of a citizen. We see it as the leading role of determining
socio-economic power in a closed society. In the following article,
we introduce the dual school system, its practical use in Switzer-
land and compare it with the current situation in Slovenia. With in-
terviews with different stakeholders and by analysing statistical da-
ta, we attempt to determine the rate of marginalization, between
the two selected countries from the Slovenian perspective. We see
sustainable development as a result of a high-quality educational
system, the perfect correlation of a young labour force and em-
ployers, low unemployment rate and general economic independ-
ence. In addition to the presentation of educational systems, we
propose alternatives to avoid marginalization from the school sys-
tem and consequently emphasize the importance of human capital
in the case of Slovenia.
Key words: dual educational system, marginalization, interview,
statistical data, school system, human capital

Marginalization or the expansion: Business activities
in the peri-urban area of City of Zagreb
Jelena Lončar
Department of Geography, Science faculty,
Marulićev trg 19/II, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
In the large majority of small and midsize countries of southeast Eu-
rope, most of the metropolitan areas are concentrated in the cap-
ital cities, where two-thirds of metropolitan functions are present.
This is also the case with Croatia, as well as with the City of Za-
greb. In this research, all data on business activities have been col-
lected in the City of Zagreb County (area of 30-40 kilometres from
Zagreb) with the aim of establishing whether this area has profited
from or had an adverse impact on the number and quality of busi-
ness activities due to the vicinity of Zagreb. These data are based
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