Page 27 - Fister jr., Iztok, and Andrej Brodnik (eds.). StuCoSReC. Proceedings of the 2016 3rd Student Computer Science Research Conference. Koper: University of Primorska Press, 2016
P. 27
lding visual domain-specific languages using the
semiotic approach: A case study on EasyTime

Iztok Fister Jr. Iztok Fister

Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science, University of Maribor Science, University of Maribor

Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

ABSTRACT sults of competitors faster, more efficiently, and more accu-
rately. In order to simplify working with the measuring sys-
This paper presents the development and usage of the Easy- tem for tracking the results, the EasyTime domain-specific
Time III Visual Domain-Specific Language (VDSL) for mea- language was proposed for the Double Triathlon in 2009 [7].
suring time during sports competitions that enables users This version, based on a specific compiler/generator, was
to create the VDSL programs visually. Indeed, this new developed for compiling an EasyTime source code into an
hybrid VDSL creating approach deals with semiotics‘ anal- abstract machine code. Modifying and widening the Easy-
ysis in place of building a meta-model. Thus, each visual Time domain-specific language demanded interventions di-
element, like an icon, is handled as a sign with its repre- rectly into the compiler/generator. Therefore, an improved
sentation (form and shape), reference (object) and mean- version of EasyTime was proposed in [8, 11, 10, 9], where
ing (implementation of object). Each visual element is then EasyTime was defined formally as (domain analysis, ab-
mapped into DSL language construct as defined by object stract syntax, concrete syntax, formal semantics, and code
implementation. In general, this approach is suitable, when generation), whilst a LISA [18] was used for building as a
Domain-Specific Language (DSL) using a Textual User In- suitable compiler/generator. In this paper, we move for-
terface (TUI) is already implemented within a certain appli- ward in order to improve user experience and, thus, propose
cation domain and, therefore, the developer can be focused EasyTime III Visual Domain-Specific modelling Language
mainly on designing a Graphical User Interface (GUI). In (VDSL). This explores the visual interface to simplify the
this study, the existing EasyTime DSL has been upgraded programming tasks of the measuring system. This VDSL
to EasyTime III VDSL using the hybrid VDSL creation ap- addresses the shortcomings of its predecessor, i.e., simplify-
proach. Experiments of measuring time in an aquathlon ing its development. The users’ visual programming consists
have shown that the programming in EasyTime III is sim- of constructing the user model. This model is then trans-
ple and efficient, whilst all other features of EasyTime DSL lated into EasyTime DSL constructs. Indeed, a semiotics
are preserved within the new VDSL. theory [12] is applied. Semiotics is the study of signs [2],
where each sign consists of representation, object, and mean-
Keywords ing. The meanings of the signs are defined explicitly in the
user model [5]. Thus, a meta-model step can be avoided by
domain-specific language, EasyTime, semiotics the traditional creation of DSMLs. This approach is, there-
fore, also named as a hybrid VDSL creation. The VDSL was
1. INTRODUCTION tested on building the EasyTime III program for measuring
time during the aquathlon competition. The obtained re-
Until recently, measuring time during sports competitions sults showed the power of the created visual tool that brings
was performed manually by timekeepers using time obtained a great user experience on the one hand and simplified cre-
from stopwatches assigned to specific competitors accord- ating the visual programs.
ing to their starting numbers. The rapid expansion of Ra-
dio Frequency IDentification (RFID) [6] technology has led The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2 deals with
into the development of various measuring devices. How- a description of the proposed EasyTime III VDSL. In Sec-
ever, measuring devices represent only one part of the story, tion 3, created VDSL was applied for building the EasyTime
because measuring times during sports competitions can- III VDSL program in measuring time during an aquathlon
not be achieved without a measuring system. This system competition. The paper concludes with Section 4, which
collates timed-events from different measuring devices into summarizes the performed work and outlines the possible
a central database that enables organisers to track the re- directions for the future.


The design of visual languages is a very complex process
that, besides a knowledge of computer science, demands also
the knowledge of areas like Psychology, Sociology, Anthro-
pology, Linguistics, Design, and Engineering. For the devel-
opment of EasyTime III VDSL, the following phases need

StuCoSReC Proceedings of the 2016 3rd Student Computer Science Research Conference 27
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