Page 12 - Rezoničnik, Lidija, in Marcello Potocco, ur., 2016. Družbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah ▪︎ Social and political processes in modern slavic cultures, languages and literatures. Koper: Založba Univerze na Primorskem.
P. 12
žbeni in politični procesi v sodobnih slovanskih kulturah, jezikih in literaturah 10 Marcello Potocco has achieved his PhD in 2006 at the Department of
Comparative Literature and Literary Theory at University of Ljub­
ljana. He is assitant professor at the Department of Slovene Studies
at University of Primorska, teaching literature and creative writing.
During the years 2010-2014 he was president of Slovenian Com­
parative Literature Association. His research areas are: theory of
metaphor, ideology, contemporary Slovenian and Canadian poetry.
He is author of the book National Imaginary, Literary Imaginary, and
he published several articles and contributions. He is also author of
4 poetry collections, a translator and literary critic.
Doc. dr. Jana Volk je od leta 2013 na Fakulteti za humanistične študi­
je Univerze na Primorskem zaposlena kot docentka in izvaja pre­
davanja pri različnih jezikoslovnih predmetih. V svojih raziskavah se
ukvarja s fonetiko in fonologijo predvsem na stičnem slovensko­
-italijanskem območju, kjer prihaja do sovplivanja stičnih jezikov, z
intonacijo, spontanim govorom in z novo metodo za analizo pro­
zodičnih dogodkov, metodo ToBI. Bila je urednica in lektorica znan­
stvenih monografij ter članica uredniškega odbora znanstvene revi­
je pri Univerzitetni založbi Annales.
Jana Volk is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Humanities at
the University of Primorska and she carries out different linguistics
lectures. Her researches focus on phonetics and phonology, espe­
cially in the Slovene-Italian contact area, where contact languag­
es interact with each other, as well as on intonation, spontaneous
speech and the new method for the analysis of prosodic annota­
tions, the ToBI method. She was the editor and proofreader of sci­
entific monographs and a member of the editorial board of the sci­
entific journal at the Annales University Press.
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