Page 18 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 18
Sandwich Management

recent developments with models of possible productive collaboration and
rules are engaged.

Some other authors analyse also another aspects of nexuses to academ-
ia. Kamitan et al. (2013) analyses government-industry-academia collabo-
ration in Japan from the view point of compatibility and motivating fac-
tors to collaborate among partners. The strategic motivation is not directly
related to government-industry-academia collaboration outcomes, but
rather it is the leadership of government leadership that is important for
the results.

Saguy´s (2013) percept to academia – industry nexus is innovation. A
review of the literature (Misterek and Lewicka 2014; Saguy 2013) exposes
that innovation may be defined in many various ways, including its narrow
technological aspect and its wider capture considering organizational and
18 process changes in companies. Innovation is the application of a new idea/
invention, technology, model, or process to a product or service that satis-
fies a specific consumer/customer need and can be replicated at an econom-
ical cost (Heinonen 2015). Innovation creates value and plays a vital role in
growth and social well-being (Saguy 2013). Innovation contributes to eco-
nomic growth (Karasek and Dermol 2015).

The motivation of the monograph is to induct increasing academia –
industry collaboration in economy and management (McInerney 2015).
Both for perspective life’s of voters and citizens of EU.
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