Page 68 - Gričar, Sergej, Barbara Rodica and Štefan Bojnec, 2016. Sandwich Management. Koper: University of Primorska Press
P. 68
dwich Management

Obr.HACCP.7 – Temperature control. This form is used for all types
of temperature control devices or facilities. When writing down actual
temperature, it is mandatory that the person responsible reads from a dis-
play on the temperature control device. It is forbidden to write in the form
an approximate temperature or to falsify the results. There must be signed
corrective procedures in cases of irregularities or other inadequacy. The
temperature should be recorded to one decimal place (eg. + 1.7 °C).

Obr.HACCP.12 – recall of food. We have to fill out the form in cas-
es of recalling food at any stage of the process. In the event that the food
stays on the premises, it must be stored in a designated space with accurate
labels stating when the food was withdrawn from sale. Employees need to
enter: the date when the food was withdrawn, the amount, the reason and
their signature. The checks are the responsibility of the person in charge.
Calculations of Energy, Nutrional Values and the Selling Prices
of our Sandwiches
We made a spreadsheet illustrating energy values for each sandwich. This
process aligned us with legal requirements when marking nutritional val-
ues for our dishes. Using this spreadsheet we were able to make further cal-
culations on the nutritional values for one unit of our product and the fol-
lowing nutrients: protein, carbohydrates and fat. Because we now know
all the energy values of our product, this also helps us when making the
sandwiches, promoting them and enabling our customers to know what
they are eating and how much they will consume with one unit of a cho-
sen sandwich.

Table 4: SI international system of measurement units for energy (energy value of ingredients).

Name Symbol Quantity Equivalent SI base unit
Joule J energy, work, heat

Source: Own source 2014 (after SI standardization of measurement units).

Figure 9: Cost calculation of baguette.
Source: Own source 2014.

Prior to producing the spreadsheet, we collected data regarding ener-
gy values and other nutrional values for each food that was used to prepare
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