Page 284 - Weiss, Jernej, ur. 2017. Glasbene migracije: stičišče evropske glasbene raznolikosti - Musical Migrations: Crossroads of European Musical Diversity. Koper/Ljubljana: Založba Univerze na Primorskem in Festival Ljubljana. Studia musicologica Labacensia, 1
P. 284
glasbene migracije: stičišče evropske glasbene raznolikosti
At this point it would be appropriate to mention Hába’s Slovenian stu-
dents. Including Dragotin Cvetko, Radoslav Hrovatin, Marijan Lipovšek,
Slavko Osterc, Makso Pirnik, Taras Poljanec, Drago Mario Šijanec, Pavel
Šivic, Franc Šturm, Dimitrij Žebre.
Migration waves were also caused by large political disruptions in
many countries during the 1930’s. For example, a big reflux of scientific and
cultural intelligence occurred in Germany and Austria and later from oth-
er countries under the Nazi influence or supremacy. This migration outflow
greatly strengthened particularly American, even North American culture.
Some of these authors have also found temporary refuge in Czechoslo-
vakia. Many musicians worked at the Neues deutsches Theater in Prague.
They document the fate of political emigration with the career of Leo Kes-
tenberg (1882–1962). Former ministerial counsellor for the Ministry of sci-
ence, art and education of Prussia found the temporary asylum in Prague
in 1933. There he worked out his plan for international organization for mu-
sical education (Centre for musical education/Zentralstelle für Musikerzie-
hung) and in the year 1934 pushed for the establishment of the Society for
music education (Gesellschaft für Musikerziehung). Its first international
congress was held from 4th to 9th April 1936 in Prague. The Society held a
second congress in Paris (1937). In the autumn 1938 Kestenberg left Czecho-
slovakia and through France immigrated to Palestine (The activities of the
society were followed up by the International Society for Music Education
in 1953, Kestenberg became its Honorary Chairman.).
From what has been mentioned, we can conclude that the different types
of migration (emigration and migration) are an integral part of the culture. The
boundaries between the various national cultures or between cultural types
are actually very flexible. Music historian knows that the development of
the national culture does not happen in isolation accessed only by the ac-
knowledged authors, authors of a certain size and a prescribed type. The
boundaries which were mentioned here have never existed in such scale
that they wouldn’t allow for exchange and interaction. There is no doubt
that this movement brings beneficial impulses.
Dlabacz, Gottfried Johann. Allgemeines historisches künstler-Lexikon für Böh-
men und zum Theil auch für Mähren und Schlesien. Prag: Gottlieb Haase,
At this point it would be appropriate to mention Hába’s Slovenian stu-
dents. Including Dragotin Cvetko, Radoslav Hrovatin, Marijan Lipovšek,
Slavko Osterc, Makso Pirnik, Taras Poljanec, Drago Mario Šijanec, Pavel
Šivic, Franc Šturm, Dimitrij Žebre.
Migration waves were also caused by large political disruptions in
many countries during the 1930’s. For example, a big reflux of scientific and
cultural intelligence occurred in Germany and Austria and later from oth-
er countries under the Nazi influence or supremacy. This migration outflow
greatly strengthened particularly American, even North American culture.
Some of these authors have also found temporary refuge in Czechoslo-
vakia. Many musicians worked at the Neues deutsches Theater in Prague.
They document the fate of political emigration with the career of Leo Kes-
tenberg (1882–1962). Former ministerial counsellor for the Ministry of sci-
ence, art and education of Prussia found the temporary asylum in Prague
in 1933. There he worked out his plan for international organization for mu-
sical education (Centre for musical education/Zentralstelle für Musikerzie-
hung) and in the year 1934 pushed for the establishment of the Society for
music education (Gesellschaft für Musikerziehung). Its first international
congress was held from 4th to 9th April 1936 in Prague. The Society held a
second congress in Paris (1937). In the autumn 1938 Kestenberg left Czecho-
slovakia and through France immigrated to Palestine (The activities of the
society were followed up by the International Society for Music Education
in 1953, Kestenberg became its Honorary Chairman.).
From what has been mentioned, we can conclude that the different types
of migration (emigration and migration) are an integral part of the culture. The
boundaries between the various national cultures or between cultural types
are actually very flexible. Music historian knows that the development of
the national culture does not happen in isolation accessed only by the ac-
knowledged authors, authors of a certain size and a prescribed type. The
boundaries which were mentioned here have never existed in such scale
that they wouldn’t allow for exchange and interaction. There is no doubt
that this movement brings beneficial impulses.
Dlabacz, Gottfried Johann. Allgemeines historisches künstler-Lexikon für Böh-
men und zum Theil auch für Mähren und Schlesien. Prag: Gottlieb Haase,